
    common datasheets of chemical experiments


bullet3.gif (1472 字节)分析化学    analytical chemistry




14.gif (896 字节)难溶化合物的溶度积常数

   solubility products of undissolved compounds


14.gif (896 字节)配合物稳定常数

   stability constants of coordination compounds


14.gif (896 字节)某些无机化合物在部分有机溶剂中的溶解度

       solubilities of some inorganic compounds in organic solvents


14.gif (896 字节)弱酸、弱碱的解离常数

   dissociation constants of weak acids and weak bases


14.gif (896 字节)常用的各种指示剂

   common indicators   


14.gif (896 字节)常用ph缓冲溶液

   common ph buffer solutions 


14.gif (896 字节)常用的基准物质

   common primary standards


14.gif (896 字节)常用掩蔽剂

   common masking agents


14.gif (896 字节)电磁波谱范围

   regions of the electromagnetic spectrum


14.gif (896 字节)物质颜色和吸收光颜色的对应关系

   the relation between matter’s color and color absorbed


14.gif (896 字节)常用激光器波长

   output wavelengths of common lasers


bullet2.gif (1410 字节)物理化学    physical chemistry




14.gif (896 字节)标准电极电势

   standard electrode potentials


14.gif (896 字节)25oc时普通电极反应的超电势

   overpotentials of common electrode reactions at 25oc


14.gif (896 字节)常用纯液体的电导率

    conductivities of common pure liquids 


14.gif (896 字节)常用酸、碱、盐溶液的活度系数(25.0oc)

   activity coefficients of common acidic, basic and salt solutions at 25.0oc


14.gif (896 字节)二元恒沸混合物的组成和沸腾温度

   compositions and boiling points of constant boiling binary mixtures


14.gif (896 字节)气体的临界常数及在水中的溶解度

   critical constants and the aquatic solubilities of gases


14.gif (896 字节)常用物质的表面张力

   surface tensions of common substances


bullet5.gif (1486 字节)晶体化学    crystal chemistry



14.gif (896 字节)不同晶系的晶格类型

    lattice types of different crystal systems


14.gif (896 字节)32种晶体学点群的记号

   symbols of the 32 crystallographic point groups


14.gif (896 字节)230种晶体学空间群的记号

    symbols of the 230 crystallographic space groups


14.gif (896 字节)正多面体的数学和结晶学参数

    mathematic and crystallographic parameters of regular polyhedrons


14.gif (896 字节)常见单质的所属晶系

   crystal systems of common elementary substances


14.gif (896 字节)常见矿石的名称、分子式与所属晶系

   names, molecular formulas and crystal systems of common ores


bullet1.gif (1428 字节)高分子化学    polymer chemistry



14.gif (896 字节)常见高聚物的名称、结构单元、熔点与玻璃化温度

   names, constitutional repeating units, melting points and glass-transition temperatures of common high polymers


14.gif (896 字节)常见高聚物的名称与缩写

   names and abbreviations of common high polymers


bullet4.gif (1435 字节)综合数据    synthesizing data




14.gif (896 字节)水的各种数据

   various data for water


14.gif (896 字节)汞在不同温度下的蒸气压

   vapor pressures of mercury at different temperatures


14.gif (896 字节)摄氏、华氏温度对照表

   contrast between celsius temperatures and fahrenheit temperatures


14.gif (896 字节)常用干燥剂及干燥适用条件

   common drying agents and applicable condition


14.gif (896 字节)常用气体吸收剂

   common gas absorbents


14.gif (896 字节)常用加热浴种类和加热用液体介质的性质

   the kinds of common calefaction bath and the properties of liquid media used in  calefaction


14.gif (896 字节)常用冷却剂

   common refrigerants


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网站地址:http://chemlab.swpu.edu.cn  版权所有:西南石油大学化学化工学院 * 化学化工实验教学中心