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    所属 部门:     材料科学与工程教研室

    学科 专业:     材料科学与工程    
    研究 方向:     材料科学与工程     
    联系 方式:     kaiqiangliu@swpu.edu.cn




中国建筑材料研究总院博士后,澳大利亚Monash University国家公派联合培养。致力于固井功能胶凝材料基础理论与复杂油气井固井工程应用关键技术研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点实验室开发基金项目、中石油重大项目等10余项;作为骨干研究人员参与了国家重大研发计划及油田合作科研项目10余项,发表学术论文40余篇(第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文26篇),授权/公开发明专利9项,参与编著专著《塔里木油田库车山前固井新技术》1部、参编教材1本,获省部级科研奖励1项。皇家永利专家服务团专家,《钻井液与完井液》学术期刊青年编委,《Cement and Concrete Research》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《ACS Omega》、《材料导报》等学术期刊审稿专家。






(1) 国家自然基金青年基金,52104007,2022年1月-2024年12月,主持

(2) 绿色建材全国重点实验室开放基金,2023GBM03,2023年8月-2025年7月,主持

(3) 油气藏地质全国重点实验室开放基金,PLN2023-35,2023年10月-2025年10月,主持

(4) 中国石油塔里木油田重大项目,2024年4月-2026年4月,主持

(5) 中国石油西部钻探,温-压耦合水泥环完整性理论模型委托技术开发,2023年9月-2024年7月,主持

(6) 川庆钻探长庆固井,固井水泥石性能检测,2023年6月-2024年12月,主持

(7) 中石油川庆钻探,树脂工作液特殊性能评价,2021年10月-2022年9月,主持

(8) 嘉华特种水泥股份有限公司,特种水泥浆特殊性能检测,2021年11月-2023年12月,主持

(9) 中国石油渤海钻探,抗腐蚀水泥浆体系开发,2021年9月-2022年12月,主研


(1) 深井固井水泥浆凝固阶段的传压效率时变规律. 天然气工业, 2024, 44(8): 125-132. (EI,第一作者)

(2) Improvement of the microstructure of hydration products in cement paste by epoxy resin under high temperature and high pressure. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 438: 137167. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(3) Preparation of cellulose fibre-sheets and its impact on pore connectivity of cement paste during early hydration. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411: 134535. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(4) Preparation of cellulose nanofibrils and their effects on the rheological properties and compressive strength of oil-well cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 394: 132313. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(5) Optimisation of early hydration, microstructure, and elevated-temperature resistance of calcium aluminate cement using steel-making slag. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(23): 35328-35339. (SCI一区,第一作者)

(6) Microstructural feature of cellulose fibre in cement-based composites at different curing temperature. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 63: 105569. (SCI二区,第一作者)

(7) Quantitative determination of the hydrostatic pressure of oil-well cement slurry using its hydration kinetics [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 340: 127704.(SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(8) Pore connectivity of oil well cement in the early hydration stage by in situ electrical resistivity measurements and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 303: 124448.(SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(9) Time-varying characteristics and mechanisms of hydrostatic pressure descent of Portland cement slurry [J], Powder Technology, 2021, 385: 434–443. (SCI二区,第一作者)

(10) Visualization and quantification of pore structure of oil-well cement slurry in liquid-solid transition stage using high-resolution computed tomography [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 111: 103633.(SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(11) Analysis of interfacial nanostructure and interaction mechanisms between cellulose fibres and calcium silicate hydrates using experimental and molecular dynamics simulation data [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 506: 144914. (SCI二区,第一作者)

(12) Effects of steam on the compressive strength and microstructure of cement paste cured under alternating ultrahigh temperature [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 112: 103681. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(13) Effects of microstructure and pore water on electrical conductivity of cement slurry during early hydration [J]. Composites Part B, 2019, 177: 107435. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(14) Evolution of pore structure of oil well cement slurry in suspension–solid transition stage [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 214: 382–398. (SCI一区TOP,第一作者)

(15) Effect of the hydration rate and microstructure of Portland cement slurry on hydrostatic pressure transfer [J]. Powder Technology, 2019, 352: 251–261. (SCI二区,第一作者)

(16) Design of low-density cement optimized by cellulose-based fibre for oil and natural gas wells [J]. Powder Technology, 2018, 338: 506–518. (SCI二区,第一作者)

(17) Effects of steam on the compressive strength and microstructure of cement paste cured under alternating ultrahigh temperature [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 112: 103681 (SCI一区,通讯作者)

(18) Effect of CO2 solution on Portland cement paste under flowing, migration, and static conditions [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 95: 104179 (SCI二区,通讯作者)

(19) Graphite-reinforced Portland cement composites at alternate ultra-high temperatures [J]. Powder Technology, 2021, 378: 647-658 (SCI二区,通讯作者)

(20) Granular calcium carbonate reinforced the cement paste cured by elevated temperatures [J]. ACS Omega, 2023, 8: 8346-8354 (SCI三区,通讯作者)


(1) 刘开强, 等. 利用水泥浆水化放热量预测静液柱压力的方法[P], 20221 0022564.X

(2) 刘开强, 等. 固井水泥浆凝固过程孔隙连通性的定量原位评价方法[P], 202110225263.2

(3) 刘开强, 等. 一种固井顶替界面模拟实验装置及其使用方法[P], 20211005187.1

(4) 刘开强, 等. 利用水泥浆水化放热量预测静液柱压力的方法[P], 20221 0022564.X

(5) 刘开强,等. 一种快测式水泥环完整性实验装置及评价方法[P], 202110051884.3

(6) 刘开强, 等. 改性天然纤维素纤维及其制备方法和抗水侵固井水泥浆[P], 202110401187.6

(7) 刘开强, 等. 一种直接评价高温高压下水泥浆中植物纤维适应性的方法[P], 2022110876473

(8) 刘开强, 等. 固井水泥浆硬化中静液柱压力和传压能力评价装置及方法[P], 202210824185.2

(9) 刘开强, 等. 凝固过程固井水泥浆传压效率评价方法[P], 202310608337.X



版权所有 西南石油大学新能源与材料学院 学院地址:皇家永利成都市新都区新都大道8号 联系电话:028-83037406 邮编:610500