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?Communication, Coordination and Control in Smart Manufacturing Systems

来源:线上会议     报告人:陆玉前    审核:赖南君    编辑:姜博     发布日期:2022年05月25日    浏览量:[]

报告人:陆玉前 副教授

报告题目:Communication, Coordination and Control in Smart Manufacturing Systems

时 间:2022年6月9日(周四)上午9:50~10:50

地 点:腾讯会议884-955-883

报告内容:The industry is undergoing dramatic changes. Manufacturers aspire to a shift towards mass personalization – a paradigm that produces personalized products at mass efficiency. In mass personalization, traditional manufacturing automation technologies designed for mass customization, such as product family architecture, reconfiguration manufacturing systems and delayed differentiation, will fail if not adapt as the batch size becomes one and manufacturing is dynamically driven by unique customer needs. Hence, smart manufacturing system was devised to represent a new generation of manufacturing systems that can dynamically configure the manufacturing processes and systems to carry out optimized production of unique products based on near real-time environment sensing, humanoid reasoning, and reconfiguration of system models. At the core, smart manufacturing systems need perceptive and decisive capabilities, leading to dynamic self-organizing behaviors. With advanced cognitive capabilities, manufacturing equipment, systems, and factories can self-sense, self-communicate, self-reason, and self-configure to prevent potential critical issues, optimize operations, and enhance the overall integration of machines, humans, and digital supply networks. This talk gives an overview of our research work on smart manufacturing systems, focusing on semantic-aware machine-to-machine communication, decentralized manufacturing coordination, and digital twin-driven manufacturing control. The speaker will also highlight some emerging trends on manufacturing system research.


报告人简介:陆玉前博士,本科毕业于大连理工大学,博士毕业于新西兰奥克兰大学。现为奥克兰大学机械工程系博士生导师、工业人工智能课题组负责人。主要从事智能制造系统、工业人工智能和共融机器人等方向的研究,在国际顶级制造和自动化期刊上共发表35篇SCI论文。其中JCR一区论文28篇,累计谷歌他引2300次。2019年至今共发表ESI高被引文章7篇,ESI热点文章1篇。至今主持新西兰科技部及企业横向课题共7项。多项研究成果在制造和建筑等领域成功商业化。担任北美制造业协会(The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME)科学委员会成员,IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing杂志副主编。
