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Informal Online Language Learning: Theory and Practice

来源:     报告人:李渝    审核:    编辑:沈立芹     发布日期:2019年03月28日    浏览量:[]


讲座时间:2019年3月27日16: 20—18: 00



In a landscape where research on online language learning and learning less commonly (LCTLs) and almost never taught languages (ANTLs) is focused on experiences in formal learning settings, there is a large gap in knowledge about the experiences of learners outside of the classroom, using online self-instructional materials and tutoring. The present research aims to fill that gap by answering the question how an ecologically-conceptualized context impacts informal learners of one ANTL. The current research begins to fill this gap by examining the learners’ perspective with the aim of answering the question: when conceptualized ecologically, how does the learners’ context impact informal language learning, self-instruction, and learners’ motivation? The context was ecologically conceptualized in order to capture the broadest influences on learners’ experiences with language study.



主办单位:西南石油大学外国语学院 至道沙龙

