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Synchronization for differential equations with discontinuous state on the right-hand side

来源:     报告人:杨鑫松    审核:    编辑:沈立芹     发布日期:2019年09月17日    浏览量:[]

报告题目:Synchronization for differential equations with discontinuous state on the right-hand side





杨鑫松(1968-),男,湖南人,三级教授,博士生导师,重庆师范大学首批博望学者特聘教授。2006年毕业于云南大学,获硕士学位,访问过东南大学、香港城市大学、香港大学、香港理工大学,是美国数学评论的评论员以及20多个SCI刊物的审稿人,是SCI刊物Neural Processing Letters的编辑(AE),全国复杂网络会议专业委员会委员(从14届开始),2016年获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖,获重庆市优秀学术论文2篇。

研究领域包括:复杂网络的同步与控制,右端不连续系统的稳定与控制,时滞随机微分方程的稳定性与控制,脉冲系统及其控制等。目前发表科研论文100多篇,其中SCI论文92篇,共被SCI源刊引用3600多次,单篇最高引用218次,单篇最高影响因子11.53,H-index指数34,其中他引总次数进入全球前1%的论文15篇(ESI),热点论文3篇,发表的杂志包括SIAM J. Control and Optimization,IEEETrans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems–I, IEEE Transac.Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control,IEEE Transa. Cybernetics,Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control等国际顶级杂志,均为第一作者。正在主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持完成多项国家级和省级项目。

In this talk, we mainly focus on the existence of Filippov solution of neural networks with discontinuous activation functions and mixed time-delays (time-varying discrete delay and infinite-time distributed delay) and some synchronization control methods for differential equations with discontinuous state on the right-hand sides. Firstly, sufficient conditions for the global existence of Filippov solutions to neural networks with discontinuous activation functions and the mixed delays are given by strict mathematical proof. Then, some novel control schemes are designed to guarantee that several discontinuous chaotic systems can be driven to realize synchronization, including exponential synchronization and finite-time synchronization.


举办单位:理学院  科研处  数理力学研究中心非线性动力系统研究所
