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20240529 均质多孔介质中CO2泡沫产生和运移临界阈值研究

发布日期:2024年05月20日       供稿:       编辑:gz201806       审核:       点击:[]


报告题目:Critical Thresholds for CO2 Foam Generation and Propagation in Homogeneous Porous Media(均质多孔介质中CO2泡沫产生和运移临界阈值研究)

报 告 人:唐金玉

报告时间:上午10:30-11:10, 2024.05.29



唐金玉,现任阿联酋大学助理教授及石油工程实验室主任,2019年获得荷兰代尔夫特理工大学地球科学与工程博士,其间曾赴荷兰壳牌总部和巴西国家数学研究院任访问学者。主要研究方向包括多孔介质渗流、气驱及泡沫驱流度控制和地下储能的基础理论及应用研究。常用的研究方法包括岩芯驱替、X-ray CT成像、微流控、分流理论和多相流建模。目前在Water Resources ResearchSPE JournalEnergyFuelPetroleum Science等国际知名期刊发表论文十余篇。

目前代表性成果包括推进了泡沫对气体流度控制的基础理论,发现了泡沫在油气水三相共存复杂条件下的基本流动机制、建立了X-ray CT 成像测定泡沫驱三相饱和度的方法、提出了一个新的适用于2D微观孔隙网络的毛细管数定义。曾多次受邀国际知名企业及研究机构做主题报告,包括阿布扎比国家石油公司、振华石油海外项目部、巴西国家数学研究院、荷兰壳牌总部等。


Foam is a promising means for improving gas sweep and trapping in geological formations. The successful application of foam for deep gas mobility control relies on its long-distance propagation away from an injection well, where pressure gradient or fluid velocity is low. Foam propagation is a result of two processes: convection of bubbles generated upstream (e.g. in the near-well region) and new generation of bubbles at the displacement front.

Prior studies with N2 foam show the existence of critical thresholds for both foam generation and propagation in terms of a minimum pressure gradient or equivalent minim total interstitial velocity. Data on N2 foam show that its long-distance propagation is challenging, as the minimum pressure gradients required for the generation and propagation are way much higher than that seen in the field. Our recent data with CO2 show that the minimum pressure gradient for triggering foam generation is 2–3 orders of magnitude less than with N2 foam, which can be easily attainable throughout a formation. This demonstrates that the generation of CO2 foam is much less an issue than for N2 foam.

Another issue we are addressing is the propagation of CO2 foam deep in formations. with In lab studies, with conventional corefloods that use cores of uniform diameter, it is difficult to determine the minimum pressure gradients/minimum total interstitial velocity for foam propagation. We would introduce a novel coreflood approach to quantify the conditions for foam propagation in geological formations.






上一条:20240529 泡沫辅助地下CO2封存的潜力和挑战 下一条:20240529 泡沫辅助地下CO2封存的潜力和挑战(Potential and Challenges for Foam-Assisted Subsurface CO2 Storage)
