在动力系统权威期刊正式发表学术论文50篇,其中第一作者SCI论文共计38篇,包括10篇ESI(1%)高被引论文,6篇ESI(1‰)热点论文. 代表作如下: (1) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Guanrong Chen (陈关荣), Peiyong Zhu (朱培勇), Invariance of chaos from backward shift on the Kothe sequence space, Nonlinearity, 27 (2014): 271—288. (2) Xinxing Wu (吴新星), Piotr Oprocha*, Guanrong Chen (陈关荣), On various definitions of shadowing with average error in tracing, Nonlinearity, 29 (2016): 1942—1972. (3) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Guanrong Chen (陈关荣), Non-weakly almost periodic recurrent points and distributionally scrambled sets on Σ_2×S^1, Topology and its Applications, 162 (2014): 91—99. (4) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Guanrong Chen (陈关荣), Sensitivity and transitivity of fuzzified dynamical systems, Information Sciences, 396 (2017): 14—23. (5) Jie Li (李杰), Xinxing Wu (吴新星), Piotr Oprocha, Furstenberg families, sensitivity and the space of probability measures, Nonlinearity, 30 (2017): 987—1005. (6) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Chaos of Transformations Induced Onto the Space of Probability Measures, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 26 (2016): 1650227 (12 pages). (7) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Li-Yorke chaos of translation semigroups, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20 (2014): 49—57. (8) 吴新星, 皇家永利d-跟踪性质的一些注记, 中国科学: 数学, 45 (2015): 273—286. (9) Piotr Oprocha, Xinxing* (吴新星), On average tracing of periodic average pseudo orbits, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 37 (2017): 4943—4975. (10) Xinxing Wu* (吴新星), Yang Luo, Xin Ma, Tianxiu Lu, Rigidity and sensitivity on uniform spaces, Topology and its Applications (录用待发表). |