

文章作者: 责任编辑: 审核人: 文章来源:

刘影, 女,博士/博士后,副教授

邮件地址:shinningliu at 163 dot com


电子科技大学博士、电子科技大学大数据研究中心博士后。国家建设高水平大学公派留学博士、国家公派访问学者。在IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Communications Physics, Physical Review E, Scientific Reports, Nonlinear Dynamics, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based System, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Europhysics Letter, Physica A、物理学报等国内外主流期刊发表SCI论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、皇家永利科技计划应用基础研究项目。作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,参与欧盟FP7框架计划。担任多个SCI期刊常任审稿人。多次参加网络科学领域国际和国内会议并作学术报告。




硕士生陈嘉兴连续在中科院一区、二区期刊发表论文;2022, 2023





[24] Y. Chen, Y. Liu*, M. Tang*, Y.-C. Lai, Epidemic dynamics with non-Markovian travel in multilayer networks, Communications Physics 6:263, 2023. (SCI 1区 TOP期刊,Nature子刊,学生一作)
[23] Y. Liu , Q. Zeng , L. Pan, M. Tang, Identify Influential Spreaders in Asymmetrically Interacting Multiplex Networks, IEEE Transactions on network science and engineering 10(4), 2201-2211, 2023. (SCI 2区,领域内顶刊)
[22] Y. Lai, Y. Liu*, K. Zheng, Wei Wang. Robustness of interdependent higher-order networks. Chaos 33, 073121 (2023). (SCI 2区,学生一作)
[21]L. Zeng, M. Tang*, Y. Liu. The impacts of the individual activity and attractiveness correlation on spreading dynamics in time-varying networks, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 122, 107233 (2023). (SCI 2区,学生一作)
[20] J. Chen, Y. Liu*, M. Tang*, J. Yue. Asymmetrically interacting dynamics with mutual confirmation from multi-source on multiplex networks. Information Sciences 619, 478-490 (2023). (SCI 1区 TOP期刊,学生一作)
[19] J. Chen, Y. Liu*, J. Yue, X. Duan, M. Tang. Coevolving spreading dynamics of negative information and epidemic on multiplex networks. Nonlinear Dynamics 110, 3881-3891 (2022). (SCI 2区,学生一作)  
[18] D. Wu, Y. Liu, M. Tang*, X.-K. Xu, S. Guan. Impact of hopping characteristics of inter-layer commuters on epidemic spreading in multilayer networks. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 159, 112100 (2022). (SCI 1区TOP期刊,数学跨学科应用1区,学生一作)
[17] J. Qu, Y. Liu, M. Tang*, S. Guan*. Identification of the most influential stocks in financial networks. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 158, 111939 (2022). (SCI 1区TOP期刊,数学跨学科应用1区,学生一作)
[16] K. Zheng, Y. Liu*, J. Gong, W. Wang*. Robustness of circularly interdependent networks. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 157, 111934 (2022). (SCI 1区TOP期刊,数学跨学科应用1区,学生一作)
[15] J. Pei, Y. Liu*, W. Wang*, et al. Cascading failures in multiplex network under flow redistribution. Physica A 583, 126340 (2021). (SCI 2区,学生一作)
[14] Q. Zeng, Y. Liu*, M. Tang, et al. Identifying super-spreaders in information-epidemic coevolving dynamics on multiplex networks. Knowledge-Based System 229, 107365 (2021). (SCI 1区TOP期刊,学生一作)
[13] J.-Y. Qu, M. Tang*, Y. Liu*, S.-G. Guan*. The relative importance of structure and dynamics on node influence in reversible spreading processes. Frontiers of Physics 16, 51503, (2021). (中科院2区,学生一作)
[12] K. Zheng, Y. Liu*, Y. Wang, W. Wang*.  k-core percolation on interdependent and interconnected multiplex networks. Europhysics Letter (EPL), 133, 48003 (2021). (SCI期刊,学生一作)
[11] J. Qu, M. Tang*, Y. Liu, S. Guan. Identifying influential spreaders in reversible process. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 140, 110197 (2020).  (SCI 2区期刊,学生一作)
[10] Y. Xu, M. Tang*, Y. Liu*, Y. Zou, Z. Liu. Identifying epidemic threshold by temporal profile of outbreaks on networks. Chaos 29: 113106 (2019). (SCI 3区,学生一作)
[9] K. Gong, J.-J. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Li, R.-R. Liu*, M. Tang*. The e?ective healing strategy against localized attacks on interdependent spatially embedded networks. Complexity 7912857 (2019). (SCI 2区)
[8]Q. Ni, M. Tang, Y. Liu,Y.-C.Lai.Machine learning dynamical phase transitions in complex networks. Physical Review E 100, 052312 (2019). (SCI 3区,数学物理2区,领域内权威期刊,学生一作).
[7] Y. Liu, M. Tang, Y. Do, P. M. Hui. Accurate ranking of influential spreaders based on dynamically asymmetric link weights. Physical Review E 96:022323 (2017). ( SCI 3区,数学物理2区,领域内权威期刊)
[6] M.-X. Liu, W. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Tang, S.-M. Cai, and H.-F. Zhang, Social contagions on time-varying community networks. Physical Review E 95: 052306 (2017). (SCI 3区,数学物理2区,领域内权威期刊)
[5] Y. Liu, M. Tang, T. Zhou, Y. Do. Identify influential spreaders in complex networks, the role of neighborhood. Physica A 452:289-298 (2016). (SCI 3区期刊,IF=2.243.)
[4] 刘影,王伟,尚明生,唐明. 复杂网络上疫情与舆情的传播及其基于免疫的控制策略. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 13:74–83, 2016. (EI期刊)
[3] Y. Liu, M. Tang, T. Zhou, Younghae Do. Core-like groups result in invalidation of identifying super-spreader by k-shell decomposition. Scientific Reports 5:9602 (2015). (SCI 2区)
[2] Y. Liu, M. Tang, T. Zhou, Younghae Do. Improving the accuracy of the k-shell method by removing redundant links: From a perspective of spreading dynamics. Scientific Reports 5:13172 (2015). (SCI 2区)
[1] Y. Liu, M. Tang, J. Yue and J. Gong. Identify influential spreaders in complex real-world networks. IEEE International Conference on Internet of People, Beijing 2015. (EI国际会议)


1. COVID-19疫情的多尺度传播建模及其预警与控制研究,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,参与。
2. 基于双层网络关键节点的流行病传播策略研究,国家自然科学基金,主持。
3. 多层网络最有影响力的传播源识别,皇家永利科技计划项目应用基础研究,主持。
4. 社会网络的传播控制策略研究,电子科技大学博士后科学基金,主持。
5. 社会网络的快速分层算法,西南石油大学科研启航计划,主持。
6. 基于机器学习的时变网络表示方法研究,国家自然科学基金,参与。


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