
职      称:












朱一林,男,山东省单县人,工学博士,副研究员,皇家永利海外高层次留学人才,王仁青年科技奖获得者,西南石油大学高层次引进人才,新加坡国立大学、四川大学博士后,德国锡根大学访问学者、硕士生导师。一直致力于多功能轻量化力学超构材料设计、性能表征与应用和工程材料多场耦合循环本构理论研究。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目在内课题10余项,在《Int. J. Plasticity》、《Int. J. Mech. Sci.》、《Com. Struct.》、《Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct.》、《Mech. Mater.》、《Eng. Struct.》、《Smart Mater. Struct.》、《力学学报》、《工程力学》等著名期刊上发表论文50余篇(第一/通讯作者SCI论文30余篇,包括中科院一区Top期刊论文6篇,二区论文14篇)、谷歌学术总引用1100 余次,授权和受理专利近20项,在国际/国内会议做邀请报告10余次、担任分会场主席2次。












Vebleo协会 会士

中国材料研究学会超材料分会 青年理事

中国力学学会 会员

中国机械工程学会 高级会员

皇家永利力学学会 会员

皇家永利力学学会固体力学专委会 委员

皇家永利力学学会青年工作专委会 委员


皇家永利欧美同学会东南亚分会 理事









 [1]  全国高等学校力学类专业优秀课程思政案例展示活动优秀案例遴选活动,教育部高等学校力学类专业教学指导委员会, B类优秀课程思政案例, 2023年, 1/1

 [2]  土木工程类大学生“政校行企”创新创业教育探索与实践,西南石油大学2020年校级教学成果三等奖,2021年,5/9。



1.       Yilin Zhu*, Songhui Jiang, Qi Zhang, Jian Li, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang*. A novel monoclinic auxetic metamaterial with tunable mechanical properties. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2022, 236: 107750. (中科院一区Top期刊)

2.       Zhenyu Zhu, Yilin Zhu*, Qingyuan Wang*. Fatigue mechanisms of wheel rim steel under off-axis loading. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2020, 773: 138731. (中科院一区Top期刊)

3.       Fucong Lu, Xiangyu Ling, Weijia Li, Chuanbiao Zhang, Tinghui Wei, Yilin Zhu*. On the in-plane effective elastic constants of a novel anti-tetrachiral meta-structure with L-type ligaments, Engineering Structures 2024, Accepted.? (中科院一区Top期刊)

4.       Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Chao Yu. A finite cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model to improve the description of cyclic stress-strain hysteresis loops. International Journal of Plasticity 2017, 95: 191-215. (中科院一区Top期刊)

5.       Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Otto T. Bruhns, Yujie Liu. Thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of metals: theory and application. International Journal of Plasticity 2016, 79: 111-152. (中科院一区Top期刊)

6.       Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Otto T. Bruhns. Logarithmic stress rate based constitutive model for cyclic loading in finite plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity 2014, 54: 34-55. (中科院一区Top期刊)

7.       Yilin Zhu*, Defeng Gao, Yongbo Shao, Hui Chen, Chao Yu Qingyuan Wang. A novel prefabricated auxetic honeycomb meta-structure based on mortise and tenon principle. Composite Structures 2024, 329: 117782. (中科院二区Top期刊)

8.       Fucong Lu, Beicheng Lin B, Xiangyu Ling, Chuanbiao Zhang, Yilin Zhu*. Controllable design of bi-material metamaterials with programmable thermal expansion and Poisson's ratio. Composite Structures 2023, 27:117417. (中科院二区Top期刊)

9.       Yilin Zhu*, Yi Luo, Defeng Gao, Chao Yu, Xin Ren, Chuanzeng Zhang. In-plane elastic properties of a novel re-entrant auxetic honeycomb with zigzag inclined ligaments. Engineering Structures 2022, 268: 114788. (中科院二区Top期刊;2023年提升为中科院一区Top期刊)

10.   Yilin Zhu, Songhui Jiang, Fucong Lu, Xin Ren*. A novel enhanced anti-tetra-missing rib auxetic structure with tailorable in-plane mechanical properties. Engineering Structures 2022, 262: 114399. (中科院二区Top期刊;2023年提升为中科院一区Top期刊)

11.   Yilin Zhu, Leong Hien Poh*. A finite deformation elasto-plastic cyclic constitutive model for ratchetting of metallic materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2016, 117: 265-274. (中科院二区期刊;2023年提升为中科院一区Top期刊)

12.   Yilin Zhu*. Cyclic torsion behavior and the related thermal response of 316L stainless steel tube: Experiments and FE simulations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017, 128: 17-22. (中科院二区期刊;2023年提升为中科院一区Top期刊)

13.   Yilin Zhu, Leong Hien Poh*. On an energetic or dissipative isotropic hardening mechanism for thermo-mechanical models in cyclic loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017, 122: 297-307. (中科院二区期刊;2023年提升为中科院一区Top期刊)

14.   Chuanbiao Zhang, Fucong Lu*, Beicheng Lin, Xiangyu Ling, Yilin Zhu*. Analysis on the collapse stress of auxetic tubular anti-tetrachiral structures. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 2024, 103:105167. (中科院二区期刊)

15.   Jing Wang, Yilin Zhu*, Bo Zhang, Huoming Shen, Juan Liu. Nonlocal and strain gradient effects on nonlinear forced vibration of axially moving nanobeams under internal resonance conditions. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2020, 41(2), 261-278. (中科院二区期刊)

16.   Zhenyu Zhu, Maolin Chen, Junliang Zhang, Bibo Zhang, Yilin Zhu*, Qingyuan Wang*. Axial and Bending Very High Cycle Fatigue of Completion String. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2024, 212:108320. (中科院二区期刊)

17.   Yilin Zhu, Songhui Jiang, Leong Hien Poh*, Yongbo Shao, Qingyuan Wang. Enhanced hexa-missing rib auxetics for achieving targeted constant NPR and in-plane isotropy at finite deformation. Smart Materials and Structures 2020, 29: 045030. (中科院二区期刊)

18.   Yilin Zhu, Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh*. Auxetic hexachiral structures with wavy ligaments for large elasto-plastic deformation. Smart Materials and Structures 2018, 27: 055001. (中科院二区期刊)

19.   Yilin Zhu*. An elasto-viscoplastic model to describe the ratchetting behavior of articular cartilage. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2018, 17(6): 1875-83. (中科院二区期刊)

20.   Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Chao Yu, Poh Leong Hien. Logarithmic rate based elasto-viscoplastic cyclic constitutive model for soft biological tissues. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2016, 61: 397-409. (中科院二区期刊)

21.   Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. A finite viscoelastic–plastic model for describing the uniaxial ratchetting of soft biological tissues, Journal of Biomechanics 2014, 47(5): 996-1003. (中科院二区期刊)

22.   Yilin Zhu, Songhui Jiang, Jian Li, Pokkalla Deepak Kumar, Qingyuan Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang*. Novel isotropic anti-tri-missing rib auxetics with prescribed in-plane mechanical properties over large deformations. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2021, 13(10): 2150115. (中科院三区期刊)

23.   Fucong Lu, Xinqiang Chen, Yilin Zhu*, Chuanbiao Zhang, Yuhang Hou. A Novel Re-Entrant-Type Metamaterial with Tunable Negative Poisson's Ratios and Coefficients of Thermal Expansion. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2022, 14(5): 2250040. (中科院三区期刊)

24.   Zhang Chuanbiao, Lu Fucong*, Wu Jie, Liu Xiaohong, Yilin Zhu*. Theoretical modeling and optimization of the plateau force of tubular anti-tetrachiral structures. Smart Materials and Structures 2023, 32(7): 075004. (中科院三区期刊)

25.   Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*, Jun Ding, Minhao Zhu. Study on bending fretting fatigue of LZ50 axle steel considering ratchetting by finite element method, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 2013, 36(2): 127-138. (中科院三区期刊;2023年提升为中科院二区期刊)

26.   Yilin Zhu, Fucong Lu, Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang*. A rate‐type nonlinear viscoelastic–viscoplastic cyclic constitutive model for polymers: Theory and application. Polymer Engineering & Science 2016, 56(12): 1375-1381. (中科院三区期刊)

27.   Qi Zhang, Yilin Zhu*, Fucong Lu, Chao Yu, Xin Ren, Yongbo Shao. A novel buckling-induced planner isotropic auxetic meta-structure and its application in BRB: A numerical study. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2023, 16: 1-4 (中科院三区期刊)

28.   Zewei Wu, Jie Wu, Fucong Lu*, Chuanbiao Zhang, Zuhan Liu, Yilin Zhu*. Free vibration analysis and multi-objective optimization of lattice sandwich beams. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 2023, 13: 1-4. (中科院三区期刊)

29.   Yilin Zhu, Zhuohong Zeng, Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh*, Yongbo Shao. Hierarchical hexachiral auxetics for large elasto-plastic deformation. Materials Research Express 2019, 6: 085701. (中科院四区期刊)

30.   Qi Zhang, Yilin Zhu*, Yihe Wang, Jian Li, A novel barbell‐shaped perforated auxetic meta‐structure with superior auxetic effect. Physica Status Solidi (B) 2023, 260: 2300351. (中科院四区期刊)

31.   Yawei Dong, Yilin Zhu, Fahong Wu, Chao Yu*. A dual-scale elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of metallic materials to describe thermo-mechanically coupled monotonic and cyclic deformations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2022, 224: 107332. (中科院一区Top期刊)

32.   Zhenyu Zhu, Yilin Zhu, Guangze Dai, Qingyuan Wang. Microstructural evolution of strain rate related tensile elastic prestrain on the high-cycle fatigue in medium-carbon steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2019, 764: 138224. (中科院一区Top期刊)

33.   Chuan Biao Zhang, Yilin Zhu, Fucong Lu*, Jie Wu, Zhiwen Wu, On the effective elastic constants of anti-tetra chiral tubular structure. Engineering Structures 2023, 278: 115507. (中科院二区Top期刊)

34.   Yong Zhang, Chao Yu*, Yilin Zhu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Thermo-mechanically coupled deformation of pseudoelastic NiTi SMA helical spring. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2022, 236: 107767. (中科院一区Top期刊)

35.   Chao Yu, Han M Jiang, Di Song, Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang*. A multi-scale diffusional-mechanically coupled model for super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy wires in hydrogen-rich environment. International Journal of Plasticity 2023, 165: 103614. (中科院一区Top期刊)

36.   Yong Zhang, Chao Yu*, Di Song, Yilin Zhu, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Solid-state cooling with high elastocaloric strength and low driving force via NiTi shape memory alloy helical springs: Experiment and theoretical model. Mechanics of Materials 2023, 178: 104575. (中科院二区期刊)

37.   Xiang Zhao, Shiyao Meng, Weidong Zhu*, Yilin Zhu, Yinghui Li.A closed-form solution of forced vibration of a double-curved-beam system by means of the Green's function method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 2023, 561:117812. (中科院二区期刊)

38.   Zhen-Pei Wang, Leong Hien Poh*, Justin Dirrenberger, Yilin Zhu, Samuel Forest. Isogeometric shape optimization of smoothed petal auxetic structures via computational periodic homogenization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 323: 250-271. (中科院一区Top期刊)

39.   Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang*, Qianhua Kan, Yilin Zhu. Rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: Thermo-mechanical coupled and physical mechanism-based constitutive model. International Journal of Plasticity 2015, 72: 60-90. (中科院一区Top期刊)

40.   Jun Ding, Guozheng Kang*, Yilin Zhu, Minhao Zhu. Finite element analysis on bending fretting fatigue of 316L stainless steel considering ratchetting and cyclic hardening, International Journal of Mechanical Science 2013, 86: 26-33. (中科院二区期刊)

41.   Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang*, Fucong Lu, Yilin Zhu, Kaijuan Chen. Viscoelastic–viscoplastic cyclic deformation of polycarbonate polymer: experiment and constitutive model. Journal of Applied Mechanics 2016, 83(4): 041002.

42.   Fucong Lu, Guozheng Kang*, Yilin Zhu, Kaijuan Chen, Han Jiang. Experimental observation on multiaxial ratchetting of polycarbonate polymer at room temperature. Polymer Testing 2016, 50: 135-144.

43.   Fucong Lu, Kun Zhang, Yilin Zhu*. Bending behavior of pyramid lattice sandwich beams with non-uniform truss cores. Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics 2022, 7: 165-172.

44.   Zhuohong Zeng, Changjun Han, Chen-Nan Sun, Sastry Kandukuri, Yilin Zhu, Jiazhao Huang, Qingsong Wei, Kun Zhou*. Tunable isotropy on the mechanical properties of wavy hexachiral metamaterials: Numerical simulation and additive manufacturing. Smart Manufacturing 2022, 1: 2150001.

45.   Junding*, Yilin Zhu. Experimental Study and Finite Element Simulation of Bending Fretting Fatigue for Tempered 42CrMo Steel, Key Engineering Materials 2017, 725: 394-398.


1.     朱一林*, 江松辉, 于超. 增强六手臂缺失支柱手性拉胀超材料力学性能理论研究. 力学学报 2022, 54(10): 1-14.

2.     王柯文, 朱一林*, 赵翔, 于超, 邵永波. 双叉戟状空间自锁吸能系统设计及吸能性能研究. 工程力学 2023. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2022.08.0744.

3.     朱一林*, 王凯. 基于反双曲正弦函数的循环本构模型. 西南石油大学学报:自然科学版, 2021, 43(6):11.

4.     朱振宇, 王清远, 戴光泽, 朱一林*. 高速铁路车轮的磨损与疲劳研究. 西南石油大学学报: 自然科学版, 2021, 43(6): 169.


1.    Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, A new kinematic hardening rule describing different plastic moduli in monotonic and cyclic deformations. In: From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods, Advanced Structured Materials. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 587-601. (SCI检索)

2.    Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang. Ratchetting of Snake Skin: Experiments and Viscoelastic-plastic Constitutive Model. Advanced Structured Materials. In: Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading. Springer International Publishing, 2015: 243-253.

3.    蒋春松, 孙浩, 朱一林. ANSYS有限元分析与工程应用. 电子工业出版社, 2012 (ISBN: 9787121178191).


1.    一种空间全方位自锁的串联薄壁管吸能系统, ZL202220458091.3, 中国, 朱一林; 王柯文; 邵永波; 于超, 1/4. (实用新型专利;同时申请了发明专利,目前处于实审阶段)

2.    一种装配式双叉戟状薄壁管结构易组装曲面自锁吸能系统, CN202311223637.2, 中国, 朱一林; 钟朋; 芮雪; 邵永波, 1/4. (发明专利,目前处于实审阶段)

3.    基于榫卯连接的模块化装配式拉胀超结构, CN202310462743X, 中国,朱一林; 高德峰; 赵翔; 芮雪; 于超; 邵永波. (发明专利,目前处于实审阶段)

4.    一种双叉戟状薄壁管结构易组装自锁吸能系统, ZL202122528472.2, 中国, 王柯文; 朱一林, 2/2. (实用新型专利)

5.    一种具有负泊松比效应的自锁式薄壁管结构吸能系统, ZL202122528467.1, 中国, 王柯文; 朱一林, 2/2. (实用新型专利)

6.    横截面具有负泊松比效应的环状结构, ZL202220083142.9, 中国, 罗毅; 朱一林; 于超, 2/3. (实用新型专利)

7.    一种具有负泊松比的三头哑铃拉胀开孔结构, ZL202220042665.9, 中国,  张祺; 朱一林; 江松辉; 于超, 2/4. (实用新型专利)

8.    一种基于手性六手臂缺失支柱构型的三维拉胀结构, ZL202220248646.1,中国, 高德峰; 朱一林; 赵翔; 于超; 邵永波, 2/5. (实用新型专利)

9.    一种基于手性四手臂缺失支柱构型的三维拉胀结构, ZL202220248608.6, 中国, 高德峰; 朱一林; 赵翔; 邵永波; 于超, 2/5. (实用新型专利)

10.   一种基于反手性四手臂缺失支柱构型的三维拉胀结构, ZL 202220248651.2, 中国, 高德峰; 朱一林; 赵翔; 于超; 邵永波, 2/5. (实用新型专利)

11.   一种基于反手性三手臂缺失支柱的三维拉胀结构, ZL202220248652.7, 中国,  高德峰; 朱一林; 赵翔; 于超; 邵永波, 2/5. (实用新型专利)

12.   一种具有负泊松比的四节点拉胀开孔结构, ZL202220003157.X, 中国, 张祺; 朱一林; 江松辉; 于超, 2/4. (实用新型专利)

13.   一种具有负泊松比的三节点拉胀开孔结构, ZL202220003215.9, 中国, 张祺; 朱一林; 江松辉; 于超, 2/4. (实用新型专利)

14.   具有负泊松比的三节点拉胀结构, ZL202121682968.9, 中国, 朱一林; 江松辉; 罗毅; 王柯文, 1/4. (实用新型专利)

15.   一种具有负泊松比的内凹杠铃拉胀开孔结构, ZL202223383807.7, 中国, 张祺; 朱一林; 邓夕胜;赵翔;邵永波;于超, 2/6. (实用新型专利)

16.   一种具有负泊松比的双头菱形拉胀开孔结构, ZL202223383329.X, 中国, 张祺; 朱一林; 吴新鑫; 郭超, 2/4. (实用新型专利)


[1]     国家自然科学基金面上项目:模块化装配式金属基拉胀蜂窝结构可控构筑及其多尺度力学性能研究(12372143),2024-2027,主持。

[2]     国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:拉胀蜂窝材料循环变形行为及本构模型研究(11702036),2018-2020,主持。

[3]     中国博士后基金面上项目:复杂服役环境下金属构件的多场耦合疲劳问题研究(2019M663492):2020-2021,主持。

[4]     皇家永利科技厅国际合作项目:基于金属基拉胀超材料的新型油气管道设计及其疲劳性能研究(2020YFH0127),2020-2022,主持。

[5]     西安交通大学机械结构振动与强度国家重点实验室开放课题:金属基拉胀超材料循环变形行为及本构模型研究(SVL2019-KF-18),2019 -2020,主持。

[6]     油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室:复杂热-力载荷下石油钻杆材料的多场耦合疲劳问题研究(PLN201929),2019-2021,主持。

[7]     皇家永利留学回国人员科技活动项目择优资助:抗疲劳性能更好的新型拉胀油气管道可控构筑及其基础力学性能研究,2019-2020,主持。

[8]     成都市科技局国际合作项目:金属基各向同性负泊松比超材料设计及其循环变形行为研究(2019-GH02-00060-HZ),2019-2021,主持。

[9]     工程材料与结构冲击振动皇家永利重点实验室开放课题:新型拉胀空间自锁吸能防护系统可控构筑及其力学性能研究(22kfgk07),2022-2023,主持。

[10]   四川科特检测技术有限公司委托项目:带压作业环形胶芯压缩与磨损计算模拟分析,2023-2023,主持。

[11]   西南交通大学博士生创新基金:基于有限变形框架的热-机械耦合循环本构模型研究(SWJTU12CX044),2012-2014,主持。

[12]   国家自然科学基金面上项目:焊接钢结构在海洋干湿交替环境与多轴应力耦合作用下腐蚀疲劳失效演化过程与评估技术(52078441),2021-2024,主研。

[13]   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:超长寿命区间高强铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接头颗粒物致裂机理研究及寿命预测(11602038),2017-2019,主研。

[14]   皇家永利科技厅面上项目:富有机质页岩各向异性多尺度变形破裂特性与机理研究,(2022NSFSC0263),2022-2023,主研。

[15]   企业委托项目:斜拉索锚具强度有限元分析,2012,主研。

[16]   企业委托项目:反应堆压力容器和CRDM耐压壳应力分析技术服务,2011-2012,主研。

[17]   企业委托项目:核动力装置主设备材料循环本构、弹塑性累积应变及弹塑性疲劳损伤研究,2015,主研。




[1] 王仁青年科技奖,2023

[2] 教育部力学教职委优秀思政案例,2023

[3] 皇家永利海外高层次留学人才,2019年。

[4] 皇家永利优秀大学毕业生,2009年。

[5] 皇家永利优秀博士毕业生,2015年。