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王艺环,博士,国家公派加拿大卡尔加里大学访问博士生,师从国务院特殊津贴专家张鹏教授与加拿大管道公司TC Energy首席管道完整性工程师Markus Dann教授,具备本领域世界领先课题组科研经验。长期致力于结构可靠性评估与风险分析、管道结构完整性管理的研究,主持自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后面上项目、皇家永利自然科学基金青年基金等多个国家与省级项目。近三年在Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol.、Thin Wall. Struct.、Int. J. Pres. Ves. Pip.、Process Saf. Environ.、Eng. Fail. Ana.、天然气工业等国内外知名期刊上发表近30余篇论文。一篇合作论文入选ESI热点论文(前0.1%),两篇合作论文入选ESI高被引(前1%)。天然气工业 期刊青年同行评审及Compos. Struct.、IEEE Access、Pet. Sci. Technol.、Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.、Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. C.、J. Mech. Eng. Sci.等多个SCI期刊审稿人。







2022-至今 西南石油大学 土木工程与测绘学院 讲师

2022-至今 皇家永利燃气安全与高效利用工程技术研究中心 固定研究员


2018-2021: 西南石油大学机械工程专业,博士研究生

2019-2021: 加拿大卡尔加里大学土木工程系,访问博士研究生

2016-2018: 西南石油大学土木工程专业,硕士研究生

2012-2016: 西南石油大学土木工程专业,本科生


美国Buried Assets Management Institute(石油和天然气青年委员会)秘书长

国际土木工程期刊《Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience》青年编委










[1] Wany Y. H., Zhang Z. W., et al. Importance sampling-based probabilistic performance modeling of low-, mid- and high-strength pipelines under coupling effect of hydrogen-induced damage and corrosion[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2023, 180:428-442.

[2] Wang Y. H., Xia A. L., et al. Fuzzy Bayesian networks-based multidimensional risk assessment for leakage of blended hydrogen natural gas pipelines[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. 2024, 15(1).

[3] Wang Y. H., Li R.L., et al. An integrated modeling method of uncertainties: application-orientated fuzzy random spatiotemporal analysis of pipeline structures[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 136: 105101.

[4] Wang Y. H., Xia, A., et al. Probabilistic physical modeling of randomly corroded surface and its use in reliability analysis of corroded pipelines under spatiotemporal vibration[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112219.

[5] Wang Y. H., Xia A. L., et al. Probabilistic modeling for reliability analysis of buried pipelines subjected to spatiotemporal earthquakes[J]. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2022: 103315.

[6] Wang Y. H., Dann M. R., et al. Reliability analysis of corroded pipelines considering 3D defect growth[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 157: 107028.

[7] Wang Y. H., Zhang P., et al. Reliability assessment of pitting corrosion of pipeline under spatiotemporal earthquake including spatial-dependent corrosion growth[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 148: 166-178.

[8] Wang Y. H., Zhang P., et al. Reliability evaluation of local corrosion of X80 pipeline subjected to accidental earthquake considering geotechnical discontinuities[J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021, 189: 104254.

[9] Wang Y. H.*, Zhang P., et al. Failure probability assessment and prediction of corroded pipeline under earthquake by introducing in-line inspection data[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 115: 104607.

[10] Wang Y. H.*, Hou X., et al. Reliability assessment of multi-state reconfiguration pipeline system with failure interaction based on Cloud inference[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 137: 116-127.

[11] Wang Y. H.*, Zhang P., et al. Non-probabilistic Time-dependent Reliability Analysis for Suspended Pipeline with Corrosion Defects Based on Interval Model [J] Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 124, 290-298.

[12] Qin G., Huang Y., Wang Y. H.*, Y. Frank Cheng. Pipeline condition assessment and finite element modeling of mechano-electrochemical interaction between corrosion defects with varied orientations on pipelines[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 136, 10501.

[13] Qin G. J., Zhang Z. W., Hou X. Q., Lu H. F., Huang Y. F., Wang Y. H.*. Condition assessment of underground corroded pipelines subject to hydrogen damage and combined internal pressure and axial compression. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2023,142: 105389.

[14] Qin G., Xia A., Lu H., Li R., Wang Y. H.*, et al. A hybrid machine learning model for predicting crater width formed by explosions of natural gas pipelines[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2023, 82(4):104994.

[15] Qin G., Gong C., Wang Y. H.* A probabilistic-based model for predicting pipeline third-party hitting rate[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 148: 333-341.

[16] Zhang P., Wang Y. H.*, et al. A novel method to assess safety of buried pressure pipelines under non-random process seismic excitation based on cloud model[J]. Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(4): 812.

[17] Zhang P., Wang Y. H.*, Qin G.. Fuzzy damage analysis of the seismic response of a long-distance pipeline under a coupling multi-influence domain[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(1): 62.

[18] Hou X., Wang Y. H.*, et al. Non-probabilistic time-varying reliability-based analysis of corroded pipelines considering the interaction of multiple uncertainty variables[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(10): 1965.

[19] Qin G. J.*, Zhang P., Hou X., Wu S., Wang Y. H. Risk assessment for oil leakage under the common threat of multiple natural hazards[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(14): 16507-16520.

[20] Zhang P., Qin G. J.*, Wang Y. H. Optimal Maintenance Decision Method for Urban Gas Pipelines Based on as Low as Reasonably Practicable Principle [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(1): 153.

[21] Zhang P., Wang Y. H.*, et al. Dynamic Reliability of Buried Pressure Pipelines Subjected to Random Space-Time Earthquake Load[J]. International Journal of Performability Engineering, 2019, 15(1): 179.

[22] 张鹏, 王艺环*, et al.随机时空地震载荷下长输埋地压力管道的响应分析[J].天然气工业, 2018, 38(12): 120-127.

[23] 张鹏, 王艺环*, et al. 非随机过程的地震激励下埋地压力管道的非概率可靠性分析[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2018, 14(06): 134-141.


[1] 王艺环, 夏爱琳, 秦国晋, 黎芮伶. 引入内检测数据的地震作用下腐蚀管道失效概率分析方法[P]. 中国发明专利, CN115358102B, 2023-01-31.

[2] 秦国晋, 黎芮伶, 王艺环, 夏爱琳, 黄云飞. 基于贝叶斯网络的并行油气管道多米诺效应风险分析方法[P]. 中国发明专利, CN115293656B,2023-04-07.

[3] 张鹏,王妮,苏灵波,秦国晋,王艺环,杨旭,张雷,黄云飞. 一种长输油气管线维抢修过程的模拟方法[P]. 中国发明专利,CN 201711117862.2.

[4] 王艺环, 张鹏.悬空管道跨中有腐蚀缺陷的可靠度计算软件.V1.0.登记号:2017SR422031.


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 52304258, 2024.01-至今, 主持。

[2] 第74批中国博士后科学基金面上资助, 2023M742246, 2024.01-至今, 主持。

[3] 皇家永利自然科学基金青年基金, 24NSFSC4245, 2024.01-至今, 主持。

[4] 中国地震局工力所开放基金, 2024.01-至今,2023D47,主持。

[5] 油气藏地质及国家开发国家重点实验室, PLN2022-36, 2022.09-至今, 主持。

[6] 西南石油大学“启航计划”项目, 2022QHZ001, 2022.11-至今, 主持。






[1] “孙越崎科技教育基金优秀学生奖”, 2021年。

[2] “地质灾害下油气管道安全可靠性技术”, 2020年中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新成果奖, 2021年, 第8位。

[3] “Optimal maintenance decision method for urban gas pipelines based on as low as reasonably practicable principle”, 首届川渝科学技术大会优秀论文二等奖, 2020年。

[4] “博士研究生国家奖学金”, 2020年。

[5] “十佳研究生学术标兵”, 2020年。

[6] “博士研究生国家奖学金”, 2019年。