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SWPU Team Won 2022 MCM/ICM Finalist

Recently, the results of the 2022 Mathematical Contest in Modeling and the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) were announced. SWPU teams won one Finalist, one Meritorious Winner and five Honorable Mentions.

The contests attracted 27,205 teams from University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, Columbia University in the City of New York, Cornell University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and other universities from the USA, Australia, Canada, India, the United Kingdom, India(印度漏译)and other countries and regions of the world. There are six levels of awards, among which Outstanding winner (<1%), Finalist Winner (2%), Meritorious Winner (6-7%) and Honorable Mentions (21-22%) are the top four levels.

MCM/ICM is sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application (COMAP). As the only international mathematical modeling competition and the most influential one worldwide, MCM/ICM is divided into two categories: the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Contest in Modeling (ICM). The topics cover many fields such as economy, management, environment, resources, ecology, medicine and security. The competition requires three students (undergraduates) to complete all the work on the specified problem within four days, from building the model, solving the problem and verifying the problem to writing an academic paper in English. The competition not only requires the contestants with a solid foundation in mathematics, computer and writing, but also requires them to be capable of academic writing in English.(Tian Donghong)

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