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职        称:研究员


所属 部门:化学与化工学院

学科 专业:应用化学

研究 方向:表面力和界面相互作用

电子 信箱:jingyi.wang@swpu.edu.cn




王静懿,女,1983年生,博士。获得武汉理工大学学士学位,北京航空航天大学硕士和博士学位。先后在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学做博士后和Research Associate研究工作。主要研究领域为胶体系统中的表面力和界面相互作用,电化学在界面性质研究中的应用,材料表面表征等。主持参与完成了涉及能源、资源、环境、生物医药等领域中相关表界面性质和相互作用研究的多项国内外课题。发表SCI论文40余篇(中科院一区15篇,中科院TOP期刊25篇,JCR一区21篇), 论文被引用总次数(谷歌学术统计)超过1000次。Frontiers in Materials、Frontiers in Chemistry、Frontiers in Physics期刊客座编委。







武汉理工大学  材料化学



北京航空航天大学  应用化学


 2007.09-2011.07  北京航空航天大学  材料物理与化学 博士









 2017.03-2020.03  加拿大Technical Coating Systems/Chief Scientist  /
 2020.04-2021.08  加拿大阿尔伯塔大学/Research Associate  /
 2021.08-2021.11  西南石油大学  /
 2021.12-至今  西南石油大学  研究员


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,气泡-油-水-固体界面微观力学行为及相互作用机理研究,2023-2025

2. 皇家永利自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,抗污损过滤膜与污垢间的纳米力以及抗污损机理研究,2022-2023

3. 中海石油(中国)有限公司北京研究中心,聚合物驱用化学剂在驱油-油水分离中的界面作用调控研究,2022-2025

4. 西南石油大学科研启航计划项目,气泡-油-水-矿物界面纳米力学及相互作用机理研究,2021-2024

5. 加拿大自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)、加拿大自然资源公司(CNRL)、Nalco Champion、 Suncor Energy Inc.、 Syncrude Canada Ltd.基金项目,油砂生产中,水/稀释沥青乳液中的水去除,以及相关的界面科学研究,2019-2025

6. 加拿大自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)、Imperial Oil Resources Ltd.基金项目,油砂中沥青分离提取过程中的气泡-沥青-矿物之间作用机理的研究,2019-2021

7. 美国Ultragenyx pharmaceutical合作项目,LNP包裹的mRNA的表征及其与细胞膜之间的相互作用力研究,2020-2021

8. 加拿大自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)、RGL Reservoir management Inc. 基金项目,蒸汽辅助重力泄油过程中,沥青、沥青质、微颗粒、水与设备表面之间的相互作用研究基金项目,2015-2020

9. 加拿大国家研究委员会(NRC)基金项目,开发使用复合材料工具设备进行焊缝的水压无损检测,2019-2020

10. 加拿大国家研究委员会(NRC)基金项目,开发和改进化学镀镍复合涂层生产线,2017-2019

11. 加拿大煤炭矿物加工技术研究中心(C5MPT)基金项目,再生/循环水中硫化物矿物泡沫浮选机理的研究,2014-2017

12. 加拿大自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)、Teck Resources Limited基金项目,废水中去除痕量重金属离子的研究,2013-2016

13. 加拿大自然科学与工程理事会(NSERC)、Shell Canada Ltd.基金项目,沥青抽提过程中沥青/水界面在沥青质、微细固体和黏土存在条件下的稳定性机理研究,2013-2017

14. 加拿大煤炭矿物加工技术研究中心(C5MPT)基金项目,矿物在复杂水环境中的作用机制,2011-2014

15. 国家自然科学基金项目,化学组装技术与电化学辅助的表面有序纳米结构的可控制备,2010-2012

16. 国家自然科学基金项目,微区分域修饰电极体系的制备及电化学性质研究,2008-2010



1.   Jingyi Wang, Jiawen Zhang, Sijia Li, Dengfeng Liu, Akhilesh Bhambhani, Hongbo Zeng. Characterization of structures and molecular interactions of RNA and lipid carriers using atomic force microscopy, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 313: 102855. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子15.19)

2.   Jingyi Wang, Lei Xie, Sijia Li, Jianmei Wang, Jiansheng Zhang, Hongbo Zeng. Probing the In Situ Redox Behavior of Selenium on a Pyrite Surface by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(5): 3018-3026. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子4.189)

3.   Jingyi Wang, Jiawen Zhang, Linbo Han, Jianmei Wang, Liping Zhu, Hongbo Zeng. Graphene-based materials for adsorptive removal of pollutants from water and underlying interaction mechanism, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 289: 102360. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子9.922)

4.   Jingyi Wang, and Hongbo Zeng. Recent advances in electrochemical techniques for characterizing surface properties of minerals, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 288: 102346. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子9.922)

5.   Jingyi Wang, Lei Xie, Linbo Han, Xiaogang Wang, Jianmei Wang, and Hongbo Zeng. In-Situ Probing of Electrochemical Dissolution and Surface Properties of Chalcopyrite with Implications for the Dissolution Kinetics and Passivation Mechanism, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 584: 103-113. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子7.489)

6.   Jingyi Wang, Lei Xie, Qingye Lu, Xiaogang Wang, Jianmei Wang, and Hongbo Zeng. Electrochemical Investigation of the Interactions of Organic and Inorganic Depressants on Basal and Edge Planes of Molybdenite, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 570: 350-361. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子7.489)

7.   Jingyi Wang, Junmeng Li, Lei Xie, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Understanding the Interaction Mechanism between Elemental Selenium and Ferric Hydroxide in Wastewater Treatment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(14): 6662-6671. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子3.573)

8.   Jingyi Wang, and Peng Diao. Simultaneous Detection of Ammonia and Nitrate Using a Modified Electrode with Two Regions, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 154: 104649. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,影响因子3.594)

9.   Xingwei Shi?, Jingyi Wang?(共同一作), Lu Gong, Luo Hong, Jiankuan Li, Michael Leitch, Jingli Luo, and Hongbo Zeng. Investigation of the Antifouling Mechanism of Electroless Nickel?Phosphorus Coating against Sand and Bitumen, Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(7): 6350-6360. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子3.421)

10.  Lu Gong?, Jingyi Wang?(共同一作), Ling Zhang, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Mahdi Mamoudi, Morteza Roostaei, Brent Fermaniuk, Jing-Li Luo, and Hongbo Zeng. Fouling Mechanisms of Asphaltenes and Fine Solids on Bare and Electroless Nickel-Phosphorus Coated Carbon Steel, Fuel, 2019, 252: 188-199. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子5.578)

11.  Jingyi Wang, Lei Xie, Hao Zhang, Qi Liu, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Probing Interactions between Sphalerite and Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Surfaces: Effect of Water Chemistry, Powder Technology, 2017, 320: 511-518. (中科院2区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子4.142)

12.  Lei Xie?, Jingyi Wang?(共同一作), Chen Shi, Jun Huang, Hao Zhang, Qi Liu, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Probing Surface Interactions of Electrochemically Active Galena Mineral Surface Using Atomic Force Microscope, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120: 22433-22442. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子4.189)

13.  Jingyi Wang, Junmeng Li, Lei Xie, Chen Shi, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Interactions between Elemental Selenium and Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Surfaces: Direct Force Measurements Using AFM, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 303: 646-654. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子10.652)

14.  Jingyi Wang, Lei Xie, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Effects of Salinity on Xanthate Adsorption on Sphalerite and Bubble–Sphalerite Interactions, Minerals Engineering, 2015, 77: 34-41. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,影响因子3.795)

15.  Jingyi Wang, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Understanding Copper Activation and Xanthate Adsorption on Sphalerite by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, and in Situ Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117 (39): 20089-20097. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子4.189)

16.  Jingyi Wang, Peng Diao and Qi Zhang. Dual Detection Strategy for Electrochemical Analysis of Glucose and Nitrite Using a Partitionally Modified Electrode, Analyst, 2012, 137(1): 145-152. (中科院2区,JCR 1区,影响因子3.978)

17.  Jingyi Wang, Peng Diao and Qi Zhang. Electrochemical Detection of Pyruvic Acid on Cobalt Oxyhydroxide and Copper Modified ITO Dual-Electrode, Journal of Materials Engineering 2012, 2 (9): 79-82. (中文核心期刊)

18.  Jingyi Wang, and Peng Diao. Direct Electrochemical Determination of Pyruvic Acid by Cobalt Oxyhydroxide Film Modified Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56 (27): 10159-10165. (中科院2区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子6.216)

19.  Jingyi Wang, Peng Diao, Dafeng Zhang, Min Xiang, Qi Zhang. Electrochemical Sensing of CO by Gold Particles Electrodeposited on Indium Tin Oxide Substrate, Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11 (5): 1069-1072. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子4.333)

20.  Peng Diao(导师), Jingyi Wang, Dafeng Zhang, Min Xiang, and Qi Zhang. The Effect of Halide Ions on the Electrooxidation of CO on Gold Particles Supported by Indium Tin Oxide, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 630 (1-2): 81-90. (中科院3区,JCR 1区,影响因子3.807)


1.   Zhoujie Wang, Qiuyi Lu, Jingyi Wang, Jing Liu, Guangyi Liu, Wei Sun, Lei Xie, Qi Liu, Hongbo Zeng. Nanomechanical Insights into Hydrophobic Interactions of Mineral Surfaces in Interfacial Adsorption, Aggregation and Flotation Processes, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 455: 140642 (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子16.744)

2.   Wenjihao Hu, Lei Xie, Chengyang Zhang, Jingyi Wang, Chenyu Qiao, Sijia Li, Jingsi Chen, Zhiqian Zhao, Hongbo Zeng. Demystifying Constructive Strategies on Designing Functionalized Lamellar Nb2CTx Nanosheet Membrane Architectures under Confined Space, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10: 4200-4208  (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子12.732)

3.   Lei Xie, Jingyi Wang, Qiuyi Lu, Wenjihao Hu, Diling Yang, Chenyu Qiao, Xuwen Peng, Qiongyao Peng, Tao Wang, Wei Sun, Qi Liu, Hao Zhang, Hongbo Zeng. Surface interaction mechanisms in mineral flotation: Fundamentals, measurements, and perspectives, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 102491. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子9.922)

4.    Sijia Li, Jingsi Chen, Jingyi Wang, Hongbo Zeng. Anti-biofouling Materials and Surfaces based on Mussel-inspired Chemistry, Materials Advances, 2021, 2, 2216-2230. (新期刊)

5.    Lu Gong, Jingyi Wang, Li Xiang, Jun Huang, Vahidoddin Fattahpour, Morteza Roostaei, Mahdi Mamoudi, Brent Fermaniuk, Jing-Li Luo, and Hongbo Zeng. Characterizing Foulants on Slotted Liner and Probing the Surface Interaction Mechanisms in Organic Media with Implication for an Antifouling Strategy in Oil Production, Fuel, 2021, 290, 120008. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子5.578)

6.  Xiaohui Mao, Jinglin Tan, Lei Xie, Jingyi Wang, and Hongbo Zeng. Novel Multifunctional Solid Slippery Surfaces with Self-Assembled Fluorine-Free Small Molecules, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 404, 127064. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子10.652)

7.  Lei Xie, Qiuyi Lu, Xiaohui Mao, Jingyi Wang, Linbo Han, Junqing Hu, Qingye Lu, Yixiang Wang, and Hongbo Zeng. Probing the Intermolecular Interaction Mechanisms between Humic Acid and Different Substrates with Implications for Its Adsorption and Removal in Water Treatment, Water Research, 2020, 176: 115766. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子9.130)

8.   Lu Gong, Li Xiang, Jiawen Zhang, Linbo Han, Jingyi Wang, Xiaogang Wang, Jifang Liu, Bin Yan, and Hongbo Zeng. Interaction Mechanisms of Zwitterions with Opposite Dipoles in Aqueous Solutions, Langmuir, 2019, 35 (7): 2842-2853. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子3.557)

9.   Linbo Han, Bin Yan, Ling Zhang, Min Wu, Jingyi Wang, Jun Huang, Yonghong Deng, and Hongbo Zeng. Tuning Protein Adsorption on Charged Polyelectrolyte Brushes via Salinity Adjustment, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 539: 37-45. (中科院2区,JCR 2区,影响因子3.99)

10. Lei Xie, Jingyi Wang, Jun Huang, Xin Cui, Xiaogang Wang, Qingxia Liu, Hao Zhang, Qi Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Anisotropic Polymer Adsorption on Molybdenite Basal and Edge Surfaces and Interaction Mechanism with Air Bubbles, Frontiers in chemistry, 2018, 6: 361. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子3.693)

11.  Lei Xie, Chen Shi, Xin Cui, Jun Huang, Jingyi Wang, Qi Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Probing the Interaction Mechanism between Air Bubbles and Bitumen Surfaces in Aqueous Media Using Bubble Probe Atomic Force Microscopy, Langmuir, 2018, 34 (3): 729–738. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子3.557)

12.  Lei Xie, Jingyi Wang, Chen Shi, Xin Cui, Jun Huang, Hao Zhang, Qi Liu, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Mapping the Nanoscale Heterogeneity of Surface Hydrophobicity on the Sphalerite Mineral, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121 (10): 5620–5628. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子4.189)

13.  Lei Xie, Jingyi Wang, Duowei Yuan, Chen Shi, Xin Cui, Hao Zhang, Qi Liu, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Interaction Mechanisms between Air Bubble and Molybdenite Surface: Impact of Solution Salinity and Polymer Adsorption, Langmuir, 2017, 33 (9): 2353–2361. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子3.557)

14.  Jing Liu, Jingyi Wang, Jun Huang, Xin Cui, Xiaoli Tan, Qi Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Heterogeneous Distribution of Adsorbed Bitumen on Fine Solids from Solvent-Based Extraction of Oil Sands Probed by AFM, Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31 (9): 8833–8842. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子3.421)

15.  Chen Shi, Bin Yan, Lei Xie, Ling Zhang, Jingyi Wang, Atsushi Takahara, and Hongbo Zeng. Long-Range "Hydrophilic" Attraction between Water and Polyelectrolyte Surfaces in Oil, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55(48): 15017-15021. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子12.959)

16.  Lei Xie, Chen Shi, Jingyi Wang, Jun Huang, Qiuyi Lu, Qingxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Probing the Interaction between Air Bubble and Sphalerite Mineral Surface Using Atomic Force Microscope, Langmuir, 2015, 31(8): 2438-2446. (中科院2区Top,JCR 2区,影响因子3.557)

17.  Guangyi Liu, Zhaohui Qiu, Jingyi Wang, Qingxia Liu, Jingjing Xiao, Hongbo Zeng, Hong Zhong, and Zhenghe Xu. Study of N-isopropoxypropyl-N’-ethoxycarbonyl Thiourea Adsorption on Chalcopyrite Using in situ SECM, ToF-SIMS and XPS. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 437: 42-49. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子7.489)

18.  You Fu, Jingyi Wang, Qiangxia Liu, and Hongbo Zeng. Water-Dispersible Magnetic Nanoparticle–Graphene Oxide Composites for Selenium Removal, Carbon, 2014, 77: 710-721. (中科院1区Top,JCR 1区,影响因子8.821)

19.  Peng Diao, Dafeng Zhang, Jingyi Wang, and Qi Zhang. Electrocatalytic Activity of Supported Gold Nanoparticles toward CO Oxidation: the Perimeter Effect of Gold-Support Interface, Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12 (11): 1622-1625. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子4.333)

20.   Dafeng Zhang, Peng Diao, Peng Liu, Jingyi Wang, Min Xiang and Qi Zhang. Electrocatalytic Oxidation of CO on Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on Bulk Noble Metal Substrates, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2007, 65 (21), 2370-2376. (中科院3区,JCR 2区,影响因子2.759)


You Fu, Jingyi Wang, Qingxia Liu, Hongbo Zeng. Graphene oxide for use in removing heavy metal from water. Pub. No.: WO2014/094130


Mitacs-Accelerate Scholarship for the Project Industrial Scale-up of Selenium and Calcite Water Treatments”,加拿大科研项目奖,排名第一

学院地址:皇家永利成都市新都区新都大道西南石油大学明德楼A区 联系电话:028-83037306 邮编:610500