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2024/01/29 作者:刘云海  编辑:覃莉  审核人:覃莉  点击:[]



















刘云海,四川乐山人,2019年获得西南交通大学机械设计及理论工学博士学位。主要从事机械表界面科学、油气钻采装备与工具智能化、人工智能等基础研究与工程应用方面的工作,在carbon (IF:11.307,期刊封面)Applied Surface Science (IF: 7.392期刊封面)SCI期刊发表论文30余篇。作为主要研究人员参加了973、国家自然科学基金等项目10余项,现工作于国家杰青祝效华教授课题组,拥有一流的的实验条件和充足的科研经费。此外,本人与清华大学、西南交通大学、四川大学等科研院校建立了良好的合作关系,可以为各位同学提供一个更高的学习平台!


2024.01-至今    西南石油大学机电工程学院 副研究员

2020.02-2023.12 西南石油大学机电工程学院 助理研究员 博士后导师:祝效华国家杰青



1. Yunhai Liu, Lei Chen*, et al. Origin of low friction in hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films due to graphene nanoscroll formation depending on sliding mode: Unidirection and reciprocation. Carbon, 173 (2021): 696-704.(SCI, 一区, IF: 11.307期刊封面)

2. Yunhai Liu, Yilong Jiang, et al. Durable superlubricity of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon film against different friction pairs depending on their interfacial interaction. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 560: 150023.(SCI, 一区, IF: 7.392,期刊封面)

3. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang. Roles of transfer layer and surface adhesion on superlubricity behaviors of diamond-like carbon film depending on rotating and reciprocating motion. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 604: 154538. (SCI, 一区, IF: 7.392)

4. Yunhai Liu, Bingjun Yu, et al. Probing superlubricity stability of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon film by varying sliding velocity, Applied Surface Science, 439 (2018): 976-982.(SCI, 一区, IF: 7.392)

5. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang, et al. Probing the low friction mechanism of hydrogen-free DLC film in oxygen and nitrogen environments by first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023: 129219.(SCI, 一区, IF: 5.4)

6. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang. The synergistic mechanism between graphitized tribofilm and graphitized surface of diamond-like carbon film under different temperature environments. Diamond and Related Materials, 2022: 108875.(SCI, 二区, IF: 4.1)

7. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang, et al. Exploring the effects of water content on friction behavior and mechanism of DLC films in oil production environment based on molecular dynamics simulation and first-principles calculations[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2023, 139: 110294.(SCI, 二区, IF: 4.1)

8. Yunhai Liu*, Penghui Xu, et al. Interfacial Friction Evolution of DLC Films on the Fracturing Pump Plungers During the CO2 Fracturing Process: An Atomic Understanding from ReaxFF Simulations[J]. Tribology Letters, 2023, 71(4): 1-13.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.2)

9. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang, et al. Probing tribological properties of DLC film deposited on plunger surface of sucker-rod pump based on molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Applied Physics A, 2023, 129(8): 599.(SCI, 二区, IF:2.7)

10. Yunhai Liu*, Hu Zhang, et al. Exploring the Key Mechanism of Superlubricity Behavior of DLC Film in Vacuum Environment Based on First-Principles Calculations and Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Tribology Letters, 2023, 71(4): 113.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.2)

11. Yunhai Liu*, Penghui Xu, et al. Probing the tribological behaviors of a-C films in CO2 environment based on ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Computational Materials Science 234 (2024) 112776.(SCI, 三区, IF: 3.3)

12. Yunhai Liu*, Benteng Che, et al. Exploring the effects of temperature on the mechanical properties of high-entropy alloy (CoCrFeNiAl0.1) based on molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2023, 32(1): 015011.(SCI, 三区, IF: 1.8)

13. Yiyao Luo, Xiaohua Zhu*, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Effect of oil-based drilling fluid on the evolution of friction interface: A reactive molecular dynamics study at different temperatures[J]. Tribology International, 2023, 188: 108820.(SCI, 一区, IF:6.2)

14. Xiaohua Zhu*, Yiyao Luo, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Friction behaviour and mechanism of aC films in hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atmospheres: Insights from reactive molecular dynamics[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 386: 122559.(SCI, 一区, IF: 6)

15. Xiaohua Zhu*, Yiyao Luo, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Interfacial Friction Evolution in an Oil-Based Drilling Fluid Environment: An Atomic Understanding from ReaxFF Simulations[J]. Tribology Letters, 2023, 71(3): 76.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.2)

16. Xiaohua Zhu*, Yiyao Luo, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Understanding the Effect of Oil-Based Lubricants on the Tribological Behavior of Fe–Cr Alloys from Reactive Molecular Dynamics[J]. Langmuir, 2023, 39(14): 5145-5155.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.9)

17. Xiaohua Zhu*, Xiaowen Wang, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Probing the Effect of Cuttings Particle Size on the Friction and Wear Mechanism at the Casing Friction Interface: A Molecular Dynamics Study[J]. Langmuir, 2023, 39(37): 13386-13398.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.9)

18. Xiaohua Zhu*, Xiaowen Wang, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Effect of the Graphitization Mechanism on the Friction and Wear Behavior of DLC Films Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations[J]. Langmuir, 2023, 39(5): 1905-1913.(SCI, 二区, IF: 3.9)

19. Xiaohua Zhu*, Jiangmiao Shi, Yunhai Liu*, et al. Study on formation mechanism of serrated chip of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy based on shear slip theory[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 122(3-4): 1353-1365.(SCI, , IF: 3.4)

20. Xiaohua Zhu*, Jiangmiao Shi, Yunhai Liu*. Effect of Declination Angle on the Side Milling Process of Ti6Al4V by a New Three-Dimensional Milling Finite Element Model[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023: 1-10.(SCI, , IF: 2.3)




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目2022~2024主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前),2020~2023主持

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2021~2023主持

4. 皇家永利自然科学基金青年项目,2022-2023,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2021-2025

6. 国家重点基础研究发展计划973计划),2015~2020,主研


1. 178mm井下电控分流循环工具,企业项目,2024-2025主持

2. 随钻扩眼破岩效率及影响因素实验测试企业项目,2024-2025主研

3. 高温熔融井下钻具内切割工具研制企业项目,2022-2024主研

4. 关键承压件耐70MPa高压泥浆冲蚀磨损机理研究企业项目,2022-2023主研

5. 井下油套管电动切割工具研发企业项目,2021-2022主研


1.管道定向穿越钻柱动力学特性与失效预防研究及应用, 中国石油和化学工业联合会, 科技进步奖三等奖, 2016






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