
职        务:采油所副所长

职        称:副教授

所属 部门:采油气工艺研究所

学科 专业:油气田开发工程

研究 方向:油气田注水、油气藏渗流

联系 方式:yingingli@163.com

联系 地址:610500 皇家永利成都市新都区新都大道85号西南石油大学

李颖,女,四川广安人,副研究员,博士(后),SPE会员。获西南石油大学油气田开发工程专业博士学位,曾于美国康奈尔大学访学10月,加拿大卡尔加里大学访学1年。主要从事油田注水、油气田排水、油气藏渗流机理实验及模拟方面的研究,尤其是低渗致密砂岩油藏降压增注(注水吞吐)、低渗致密砂岩及页岩水相返排方面的研究。负责/主研国家自然科学基金、皇家永利科技计划项目、油田公司重点项目等。在Journal of Hydrology, Fuel,Chemical Engineering Science,Energy & Fuels,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering等SCI刊物上发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表论文10余篇。


●2010.09-2014.07        西南石油大学,石油工程,学士

●2014.09-2018.06        西南石油大学,油气田开发工程,博士(直博、脱产)

●2015.12-2016.12        加拿大卡尔加里大学,访问学生

●2018.09-2020.08        西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,博士后、讲师

●2020.01-2020.11        美国康奈尔大学,访问学者

●2020.08-2021.02        西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,讲师

●2021.02-至今              西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,副研究员


●国家自然科学基金青年基金,41902161,致密砂岩油藏微纳米孔喉动态渗吸毛管力效应控制机理, 2020.01-2022.12,项目负责人







●Li Y,Li H T,Chen S,et al. The second critical capillary number for chemical flooding in low permeability reservoirs: Experimental and numerical investigations[J]. Chemical Engineering Science,2019,196:202-213.

●Li Y,Li H,Chen S,et al. Investigation of the dynamic capillary pressure during displacement process in fractured tight rocks[J]. AIChE Journal,2020,66(1):e16783

●Li Y,Liu C,Li H,et al. A comprehensive modelling investigation of dynamic capillary effect during non-equilibrium flow in tight porous media[J]. Journal of Hydrology,2020,584:124709.

●Li Y,Li H,Chen S,et al. Two-phase fluid flow characterizations in a tight rock: a fractal bundle of the capillary tube model[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2019,58(45):20806-20814.

●Li Y,Luo H,Li H,et al. Dynamic capillarity during displacement process in fractured tight reservoirs with multiple fluid viscosities[J]. Energy Science & Engineering,2020,8 (2):300-311.

●Li Y,Cui X,Li H,et al. An in-situ capillary pressure measurement method to characterize pore structure of tight formation[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020,192:107270.

●Li Y,Luo H,Li H,et al. A brief review of dynamic capillarity effect and its characteristics in low permeability and tight reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2020,189:106959.

●Li Y,Liu F,Li H,et al. Investigation of the dynamic capillary pressure during displacement process in fractured tight sandstone reservoirs[C]. Brisbane,Australia:SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference,URTEC-198282-MS,2019.11.

●Li Y,Li H,Chen S,et al. Dynamic capillarity during the water flooding process in fractured low permeability reservoirs[C]. Beijing:International Petroleum Technology Conference,19068-MS IPTC,2019.3.










