
职        称:助理研究员

导师 资格:硕导

所属 部门:开发所

学科 专业:油气田开发工程

研究 方向:复杂油气藏渗流理论及模拟

联系 方式:tobiascheuing@163.com、tao_zhang@swpu.edu.cn

联系 地址:610500 皇家永利成都市新都区新都大道8号西南石油大学


主要从事微观渗流理论及模拟(LBM、PNM、MD等)、气藏工程理论(页岩气/煤层气/致密气等)、油气藏数值模拟等方面的教学与科研工作。主持国家自然科学青年基金、皇家永利自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目等课题,作为骨干研究人员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大项目、面上项目、国家科技重大专项等课题。以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文30余篇(《SPE Journal》《Water Resources Research》《Physical Review E》等期刊)。论文总被引次数2700+,h-index:29,ESI高被引5篇(2023年9月统计)。受邀参加SPE ATCE等国内外著名会议7次,获发明专利5项,省部级二等奖1项。担任《Cambridge Scholars Publishing》“能源”方向编委、SCI期刊《Petroleum Science》青年编委、CSCD期刊《东北石油大学学报》青年编委等;担任《SPE Journal》《Water Resources Research》《Applied Energy》等30余个SCI期刊审稿人。


●2011.09-2015.06    西南石油大学,石油工程,学士

●2015.09-2016.06    中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,硕博连读

●2016.09-2021.12    中国石油大学(北京),油气田开发工程,博士

●2018.10-2019.10    The University of Texas at Austin,经济地质局,国家公派联合培养博士

●2021.12-至今       西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,讲师/博士后,硕导









●EBS Petroleum Company Limited,Multiscale physical experiments and artificial Intelligence to study the horizontal well injection-production mechanisms and control factors,2023/09-2024/09,主研










●Zhang T,Luo S,Zhou H,et al. Pore-scale modelling of water sorption in nanopore systems of shale[J].International Journal of Coal Geology,2023,27,104266.

●Zhang T,Zhang L,Zhao Y,et al. Ganglia dynamics during imbibition and drainage processes in nanoporous systems[J].Physics of fluids,2022,34,042016.

●Zhang T,Zhang B,Zhao Y,et al. Simulation of water flow in a nanochannel with a sudden contraction or expansion[J].Langmuir,2022,38,21:6720-6730.

●Zhang T,Javadpour F,Li J,et al. Pore-scale perspective of gas/water two-phase flow in shale[J].SPE Journal,2021,26(2):828-846.

●Zhang T,Javadpour F,Yin Y,et al. Upscaling water flow in composite nanoporous shale matrix using lattice Boltzmann method[J].Water Resources Research,2020,56,e2019WR026007.

●Zhang T,Javadpour F,Li X,et al. Mesoscopic method to study water flow in nanochannels with different wettability[J].Physical Review E,2020,102,013306.

●Zhang T,Zhang L,Wang Y,et al. An integrated well-pattern optimization strategy to unlock continental tight gas reservoir in China[J].Energy,2020,209,118449.

●Zhang T,Li X,Yin Y,et al. The transport behaviors of oil in nanopores and nanoporous media of shale[J].Fuel,2019,242:305-315.

●Zhang T,Li X,Wang X,et al. Modelling the water transport behavior in organic-rich nanoporous shale with generalized lattice Boltzmann method[J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018,127:123-134.

●Zhang T,Li X,Shi J,et al. An apparent liquid permeability model of dual-wettability nanoporous media:A case study of shale[J].Chemical Engineering Science,2018,187:280-291.

●Zhang T,Li X,Li J,et al. A fractal model for gas-water relative permeability in inorganic shale with nanoscale pores[J].Transport in Porous Media,2018,122(2):1-27.

●Zhang T,Li X,Wang X,et al. A discrete model for apparent gas permeability in nanoporous shale[J].Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,2018,59:80-96.

●Zhang T,Li X,Sun Z,et al. An analytical model for relative permeability in water-wet nanoporous media[J].Chemical Engineering Science,2017,174:1-12.

●Zhang T,Li X,Li J,et al. Numerical investigation of the well shut-in and fracture uncertainty on fluid-loss and production performance in gas-shale reservoirs[J].Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering,2017,46:421-435.


●Zhang T,Ma G,Ye H,et al. Re-activation of fractured gas reservoir with active bottom water at the late-stage development:A success story from Weiyuan gas field,China[C]. Jakarta,Indonesia:SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition,2023.

●Zhang T,Zhao Y,Zhang L. Pore-scale simulations of fluid flow in nanoporous shale[R]. Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam(Virtual):The scientific seminar of the Institute for Computational Science & Artificial Intelligence (COSARI),Van Lang University,2023.

●Wang X,Zhang L,Zhang T,et al. Hybrid Well Pattern to Unlock Yan’an Tight Gas Reservoir,Ordos Basin,China[C]. Houston,USA(Virtual):SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,2020.

●Zhang T,Javadpour F,Li X,et al. Bridging the gap between molecular- and macro-scale water flow in nanotubes[R]. Austin,USA:Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory Annual Conference,2019.

●Zhang T,Javadpour F,Li X,et al. Water Flow in Composite Nanoporous Shale Matrix Using Lattice Boltzmann Method[R]. Austin,USA:7th Annual Bureau Research Symposium,2019.

●Zhang T,Li X,Cheng Z,et al. The transport behavior of liquid hydrocarbon in shale nanopores[C]. Manama,Bahrain:SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference,2019.


●2022/04至今,《Cambridge Scholars Publishing》能源方向编委

●2023/03至今,《Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology》客座副主编

●2022/09至今,《Petroleum Science》《东北石油大学学报》《西安石油大学学报》青年编委

●2021/04至今,《Energy Reports》《Processes》《Geofluids》等期刊的专刊主编

●2016年至今,《SPE Journal》《Water Resources Research》《Energy》等30余个SCI期刊审稿人,《石油勘探与开发》《天然气工业》《计算物理》等国内核心期刊审稿人





●《International Journal of Coal Geology》期刊年度高引用论文,2017






