职 称:助理研究员
联系地址:610500 皇家永利成都市新都区新都大道85号西南石油大学
彭井宏,男,重庆秀山人,助理研究员,博士(后)。2024年毕业于西南石油大学,获油气储运工程专业博士学位。主要从事油气储运系统优化、油气设施模拟仿真、油气管网智能化、综合能源系统等方面的科研工作,包括管网运行调度及容量分配优化技术、管网设计及扩建规划技术、储气库运行模拟及注采优化技术、大规模复杂管网系统的高效优化算法等。主研国家自然科学基金项目2项,校企合作横向科研课题十余项。发表学术论文32篇,其中《Energy》《Chemical Engineering Science》等SCI期刊收录15篇,EI期刊收录4篇,CSCD期刊收录9篇。获得软件著作权5项。担任《Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering》等国际学术期刊审稿人。
●2013.09-2017.06 西南石油大学,油气储运工程,学士
●2017.09-2020.07 西南石油大学,油气储运工程,硕士
●2020.09-2024.06 西南石油大学,油气储运工程,博士
●2024.09-至今 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院,博士后
● 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51704253,离散/网络空间中油气管网设计优化方法和体系结构研究,2018/01-2020/12,主研
● 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,52474084,复杂天然气管网管输核验评估机制与容量分配拥塞扩容优化方法研究,2025/01-2028/12,主研
● 中石化西北油田分公司,储气库地面工艺技术方案设计,2017/06-2017/11,主研
● 中石化中原石油工程设计有限公司,中原-开封输气管道工程设计、施工关键技术研究,2019/01-2019/06,主研
● 中石化天然气分公司川气东送天然气销售中心,川气东送沿线城市燃气负荷随气温变化规律分析,2019/08-2020/06,主研
● 国家管网集团中原储气库有限责任公司,文23储气库地面系统适应性分析及优化研究,2019/10-2021/09,主研
● 中石油西南油气田分公司重庆气矿,往复式燃气压缩机组技措节能量核算方法研究,2020/05-2021/06,主研
● 中国石油天然气股份有限公司西南油气田分公司输气管理处,天然气管网优化运行方法技术咨询,2020/06-2020/10,主研
● 中石化川气东送天然气管道有限公司,多气源条件下川气东送管道运行能力优化研究,2020/08-2021/12,主研
● 中石油辽河油田分公司,辽河油田注水、集输系统能量流转模型研究,2022/10-2022/12,主研
● 中石油西南油气田分公司输气管理处,天然气管道气质跟踪及发热量赋值优化技术研究,2022/11-2023/12,主研
● 中石油西南油气田分公司输气管理处,基于分时电价的压缩机性能计算模型和经济运行策略研究,2023/07-2023/12,主研
● 中石油西南油气田分公司输气管理处,天然气管网应急工况分析及调配方案评价优选方法研究,2024/06-2024/12,主研
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liang G C,et al. Multi-period integrated scheduling optimization of complex natural gas pipeline network system with underground gas storage to ensure economic and environmental benefits[J]. Energy,2024,302.
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liu C,et al. Cryogenic-membrane separation process for helium extraction and ethane co-production from natural gas[J]. Chemical Engineering Science,2024,300.
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liang G C,et al. A comprehensive stability evaluation method of multiple salt caverns underground gas storage with interlayers[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology,2022,40(13):1600-1621.
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liang G C,et al. Investigation on the long-term stability of multiple salt caverns underground gas storage with interlayers[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the Asme,2023,145(8).
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liang G C,et al. Global layout optimization of star-tree gas gathering pipeline network via an improved genetic optimization algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2023,44(2):2655-2672.
●Zhou J,Peng J H,Liang G C,et al. Layout optimization of tree-tree gas pipeline network[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering,2019,173:666-680.
●Zhou J,Peng J H,Liang G C,et al. Technical and economic optimization of natural gas transmission network operation to balance node delivery flow rate and operation cost[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2021,40(4):4345-4366.
●Zhou J,Peng J H,Liang G C,et al. Optimization of injection-withdrawal schedules for underground gas storage in a multi-block depleted gas reservoir considering operation stability[J]. Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects,2021:1-16.
●Zhou J,Peng J H,Liang G C,et al. Operation optimization of multiroute cyclic natural gas transmission network under different objectives[J]. Journal of pipeline systems engineering and practice,2022,13(1).
●Zhou J,Peng J H,Huang X Y,et al. Research on long-term operation stability of salt rock underground gas storage with interlayers[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences,2022,15(389).
●Zhou J,Deng T,Peng J H,et al. Experimental study on pressure pulses in long-distance gas pipeline during the pigging process[J]. Science Progress,2020,103(1).
●Zhou J,Chen Y L,Peng J H,et al. A mixed-Integer linear programming model for the station capacity allocation problem of a star-tree pipe network[J]. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice,2023,14(1).
●Zhou J,Qin C,Peng J H,et al. Multiobjective operation optimization of depleted gas storage based on a reference vector–guided evolutionary algorithm[J]. Journal of Energy Engineering,2024,150(1).
●Zhou J,Zhou X,Liang G C,Peng J H. An MINLP model for network layout of underground natural gas storage[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2020,38(4):4619-4642.
●Zhou J,Deng T,Liang G C,Peng J H,et al. Experiment and dynamic simulation of PIG motion during pigging operation in a slope pipeline[J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2018,16(9).
●Zhou J,Fang S J,Peng J H,et al. Investigation on the long term operational stability of underground energy storage in salt rock[J],Energy Engineering,2022,120(1):221-243.
●彭井宏,周军,胡承强,等. 热力耦合作用下地下盐岩储气库注采运行稳定性研究[J]. 断块油气田,2023,30(5):858-867.
●Peng J H,Zhou J,Liang G C,et al. Optimal design and scheduling of natural gas storage facilities under multiple time scales[C]. Rome,Italy:2023 9th International Conference on Control,Decision and Information Technologies,2023.
●彭井宏,梁光川,周军.天然气长输管道增压运行方案优化计算软件:2019SR0814304[CP/CD]. 2019-06-05.
●彭井宏,梁光川,周军.长距离天然气管道稳态运行水力计算模拟软件:2019SR0836361[CP/CD]. 2019-06-10.
●周军,秦灿,梁光川,彭井宏.长输管道压缩机性能预测软件:2023SR1168573[CP/CD]. 2023-06-14.
●周军,李成玉,梁光川,彭井宏.枯竭气藏储气库注采方案智能优化软件:2023SR1794493[CP/CD]. 2023-10-15.
●周军,李成玉,梁光川,彭井宏.气藏型储气库注采方案综合评价与优选软件:2024SR0240577[CP/CD]. 2023-12-01.