ST: “购货合同”签订后,制造商如果对按3.7.1条款提交的文件有变动,应立即报告购方认可。如果不能按时报告并得到认可,则被视为拒绝执行合同的依据。
TT1: After the Purchase Contract has been signed, if the manufacturer makes any change to the document submitted under Clause 3.7.1, such change must be reported to the purchaser for approval.
TT2: Once the Purchase Contract signed, if the manufacturer makes any changes to the document submitted under Clause 3.7.1, such change must be reported immediately to the purchaser for approval. If not, it shall be deemed as the act for refusing to execute the contract.
TT1: As for any mechanical test specified in this chapter, where any sample presents any mechanical flaw or material defect irrelevant to the purpose of the mechanical test, the sample shall be abandoned and replaced by another sample taken from the same steel pipe, regardless of this discovery before or after the test.
TT2: As for any mechanical test specified in this chapter, where any sample presents any mechanical flaw or material defect irrelevant to the purpose of the test, the sample shall be abandoned and replaced by another sample taken from the same steel pipe, regardless of the defects occurring before or after the test.
ST:当外观检验发现有可疑的硬块时,根据所采用的方法使用便携式硬度试验设备及分别符合ASTM A956、ASTM A1038或ASTM E110的方法,按照ASTM A370的要求进行硬度试验。
TT1: When suspected hard spots are detected by visual inspection, hardness tests shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM A370 using portable hardness test equipment and methods complying with ASTM A956, ASTM A1038 or ASTM E110 respectively depending on the method used.
TT2: When suspected hard spots are detected by visual inspection, hardness tests shall be carried out as per requirements of ASTM A370 with portable hardness test equipment according to the methods complying with ASTM A956, ASTM A1038 or ASTM E110 respectively.
ST: 为保证钢管缺陷无损检测的有效性和可靠性,上岗从事手动或半自动无损检测人员以及对检验结果进行解释的无损检测人员应经石油行业无损检测人员资格鉴定考核机构或经中国石油认可的专业无损检测人员资格鉴定考核机构,按照GB/T 9445、ISO11484或ASNTSNT-TC-1A或等效标准要求、油气输送管专用无损检测方法技术和本导则无损检测要求培训考核资格鉴定合格,取得相应等级资格证书后,方可上岗检测操作。
TT1: To ensure efficiency and reliability of NDT for steel pipe defects, NDT personnel involving manual or semi-automatic NDT and interpreting test results shall be trained, examined for qualification and appraised to be qualified by NDT personnel qualification testing agencies in petroleum industry or professional NDT personnel qualification testing agencies accepted by PetroChina in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 9445, ISO11484 or ASNTSNT-TC-1A or equivalent standards, special NDT methods and technologies for oil & gas transmission pipelines and NDT requirements in this Specification. They shall not take appointment of test until they obtain qualification certificates of relevant levels.
TT2: To ensure effectiveness and reliability of NDT for steel pipe defects, NDT personnel conducting manual or semi-automatic NDT and interpreting test results shall be trained, examined and appraised to be qualified by NDT personnel qualification testing agencies in petroleum industry or professional NDT personnel qualification testing agencies accepted by PetroChina pursuant to requirements of GB/T 9445, ISO11484 or ASNTSNT-TC-1A or an equivalent, special NDT methods and technologies for oil & gas transmission pipelines and NDT requirements in this Specification. They shall not undertake any test until they obtain specified qualification certificates.
1. 译文表达应更加凝练简洁。源文本为石油科技类技术文本,同时也有法律文本的特点,主要介绍了直缝埋弧焊管的技术条件。英译文中部分句子结构复杂、冗长,忽视了读者感受,违背了简洁实用原则。“内容比形式重要”是科技英语翻译的一大原则,在后期的译文打磨过程中,译者应摆脱原文的束缚,注重文本主要信息传达,将中心置于“达意、简洁、流畅”三方面。
2. 对部分文本理解存在不足,还停留在表面层次,译文较为机械。后期应加大平行文本阅读量,并利用必应、维基百科等相关搜索引擎及在线知识平台学习相关专业知识,提高翻译准确率。
3. 英译文存在“中式英语”的现象,易受原文的束缚,对译文的处理不够灵活,字对字翻译较多。译者应阅读更多汉英对比的文献以及该领域的平行文本,熟悉汉英语言区别,了解此类文本的用词习惯及语言风格,使译文更加自然、地道。
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