


发布日期:2023年03月15日      作者:刘彦平      编辑:唐敏      审核:余鸿      点击:[]












ST: 大港油田始建于19641月,经过四十多年的艰苦创业,大港油区人民用自己辛勤的劳动在昔日的盐碱荒滩上,建成了一个集石油勘探、油气生产、原油加工、机械修造、科研设计、施工作业、后勤服务、社会公益、多种经营等多种功能于一体的油气生产加工基地。

TT1: Established in January 1964, the Dagang Oilfield has seen hard work of the oil worker over 40 years. Today, an oil and gas production and processing base has been made in the former alkali flat to perform an integration of diversified functions, including oil exploration, production, crude oil processing, mechanical repair, scientific research, field operations, logistic service and social benefits.

TT2: Established in January 1964, the Dagang Oilfield has seen hard work of the people over 40 years. Today, an oil and gas production and processing base has been made in the former alkali flat to perform an integration of diversified functions, including oil exploration, oil and gas production, crude oil processing, mechanical repair, scientific research, field operations, logistic service, social benefits and diversified economy.



TT1: As for selecting dehydrocarbon scheme of underground gas storage, it is a determinant to lower energy consumption and make full use of formation energy as possible on the premises of meeting requirements on water and hydrocarbon dew point and transmission pressure of gas products, based on the changing and minimum pressure at wellhead of gas production wells during each production period.

TT2: Dehydrocarbon scheme for the underground gas storage shall consider the changing and minimum pressure of the production wellhead during each production period. The scheme shall lower energy consumption and make full use of formation energy as possible under the preconditions of meeting water, hydrocarbon dew point and output pressures requirements for product gas.



TT1: Antifreezing measures shall be employed at wellhead to avoid freezing and blocking of the well effluent caused by nozzle throttling at a relative low ambient temperature during well opening, and antifreezing measures are needed but not until formation of the wellhead temperature field after a certain period of production, and thus intermittent antifreeze injection technology shall be adopted at wellhead of each gas storage.

TT2: During well development at a relative low ambient temperature, the low temperature caused by nozzle throttling can freeze the well fluids, therefore, the antifreezing measures shall be employed at wellhead. And antifreezing measures are needed but not until formation of the wellhead temperature field after a certain period of production, and thus intermittent antifreeze injection technology shall be adopted at wellhead of each gas storage.



TT1: Vigorous pursuit of Code for Fire Prevention of Oil and gas Engineering Design and Code for Fire Prevention of Building Design shall be made to ensure that the layout conforms to requirements on fire protection, explosion prevention, safety and sanitation.

TT2: Code for Fire Prevention of Oil and gas Engineering Design and Code for Fire Prevention of Building Design shall be stringently enforced to meet requirements on fire protection, explosion prevention, safety and sanitation.



1. 译文表达应更加凝练简洁。源文本为石油科技类技术文本,主要介绍了地下储气库建设应满足的自然地理及社会人文条件以及相关技术规范。英译文中部分句子结构冗杂,表达过于正式,忽视了读者感受,违背了简洁实用原则。“内容比形式重要”是科技英语翻译的一大原则,在后期的译文打磨过程中,译者应脱离语言外壳,注重文本主要信息传达,将中心置于“简洁、流畅、达意”三方面。

2. 对部分文本理解存在不足,还停留在表面层次,译文较为机械。后期应加大平行文本阅读量,并利用必应、维基百科等相关搜索引擎及在线知识平台学习相关专业知识,提高翻译准确率。

3. 英译文存在句子过长,句式杂糅,标点符号及连词使用不当等问题,后期应注意句子意群划分以及句子间衔接,使其过渡更加自然。


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