

2020级“译名堂”毕业翻译研讨- 第二十六场

发布日期:2022年12月28日      作者:钟宇琴      编辑:唐敏      审核:余鸿      点击:[]












ST: 天然情况下,糯扎渡坝址处多年平均水温为18.6℃,一般水温范围在13.2-22.7℃,极端最低水温为12.0℃,极端最高水温为25.0℃。

TT1: Under natural conditions, the annual average water temperature at the dam site of the Nuozhadu Hydropower Station is 18.6℃, the general water temperature range is 13.2-22.7℃, the extreme minimum water temperature is 12.0℃, and the extreme maximum water temperature is 25.0℃.

 TT2: Under natural conditions, the average water temperature of many years at the dam site of the Nuozhadu Hydropower Station is 18.6, with a general water temperature range of 13.2-22.7, an extreme minimum water temperature of 12.0and an extreme maximum water temperature of 25.0.


ST: 进水塔采用岸塔式,正向进水,引水道中心间距25m,进口前缘宽度225m。进水塔顺水流向长度为31.45m,依次布置拦污栅、检修闸门、事故闸门和通气孔。进水塔建基高程为733.00m,底板高程为736.00m。

TT1: The intake tower is of shore tower type with positive power intake, the center distance of the intake channel is 25m, and the width of the intake leading edge is 225m. The length of the inflow direction of the intake tower is 31.45 m, and the trash rack, maintenance gate, accident gate and ventilation hole are arranged successively. The base elevation of the intake tower is 733.00m, and the elevation of the bottom plate is 736.00m.

 TT2: The intake tower adopts the shore intake tower with 25m of the center distance of the intake channel and 225m of the width of the intake leading edge, and the inflow direction is consistent with the direction of the intake pool. The length of the inflow direction of the intake tower is 31.45m, and the trash rack, maintenance gate, accident gate and ventilation hole are arranged successively. The base elevation of the intake tower is 733.00m, and the elevation of the bottom plate is 736.00m.


ST: 珍稀鱼类增殖放流站最终选址位于坝址下游澜沧江左岸一级支流大中河畔的业主营地内,便于业主管理和环保部门监督检查,已建成有连接业主营地的对外交通道路,交通便利。

TT1: The final site of the rare fish proliferation and releasing station is located in the owners camp on the bank of the Dazhong River, a first-level tributary of the Lancang River left bank, downstream watershed of the dam site where the external conveniently traffic road connecting the owners camp has been built, which is convenient for the owners management as well as the supervision and inspection by the environmental protection department.

 TT2: The final site of the rare fish proliferation and releasing station is located in the owners camp on the bank of the Dazhong River, a first-level tributary of the Lancang River left bank, downstream watershed of the dam site where a convenient external traffic road connecting the owners camp has been built, favoring the owners management and the supervision and inspection by the environmental protection department.



首先,中文形散而英文句子间逻辑体现分明因此翻译时要把握中文句子的逻辑,并将该逻辑用英文体现出来在翻译过程中,要紧密联系上下文,将原文的结构和意义理解清楚,从而挖掘其所要表达的真正意义。例如,便于业主管理和环保部门监督检查被直译为which is convenient for the owners management as well as the supervision and inspection by the environmental protection department并未体现真实含义及其深层逻辑实际上,这里的便于并不是强调方便之意,而是指“有利于”具有递进之意。从这一例子可以看出,如果只是一味翻译字面意思,那么最终的译文不仅会逻辑结构混乱,还会不知所云。因此,必须要深入了解原文逻辑,忠实且准确地将其翻译出来,对于把握不准的地方,可以寻求导师或专业人士的帮助和建议,使译文更地道、流畅。

其次,对于专有名词和术语要多方查证,不仅要借助平行文本,还要通过网络资源找到出处。例如,多孔式分层取水”中的“多孔”直译porous”,但经图片求证以及多方求证在此处是指“多孔洞”因此因译为multi-holes type power intake with multi-levels。由此可见,对术语和专有名词等的翻译需要慎之又慎。



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