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SWPU Delegation Won Awards in 2024 MCM/ICM

Recently, results of the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (hereinafter referred to as MCM) and the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modelling (hereinafter referred to as ICM) 2024 have been announced. SWPU delegation has won 3 Meritorious Winners and 6 Honorable Mentions.

MCM/ICM 2024 attracted 28,912 participating delegations from universities in multiple countries and regions, including Harvard University in the United States, Oxford University in the United Kingdom, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. The competition problems involve the fields of engineering, resources, environment, economy, and management. It requires 3 undergraduate students to form a group and, based on their own strengths, complete all the tasks ranging from establishing mathematical models, solving and testing to writing an English academic paper on a designated problem within 4 days.

There are four levels of competition awards, namely Outstanding Winner (<1%), Finalist Winner (2%), Meritorious Winner (6-7%), and Honorary Mention (21-22%). The preparation and competition time coincides with winter vacation. Participating students sacrificed their rest time, worked together to strive for excellence in every step, from the establishment of mathematical models, algorithm design, code writing to result verification, and ultimately achieving outstanding results.

MCM/ICM is sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications. The competition is divided into the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Contest in Modeling (ICM). It is the only international mathematical modeling competition and also the most influential mathematical modeling competition worldwide. The competition not only requires participants to have a solid foundation in mathematics, computer science, and paper writing, but also places high demands on their English academic writing.

SWPU Delegation won the certificate as Meritorious Winner

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